13th Gen Intel Core BIOS 3.05 Release and 2024_06_25 Drivers Release

Okay. Well lets wait for the support to reply to my ticket…man i will never ever do a EFI shell update again. At least as long as there is no backup plan like on some desktop motherboards…

Really appreciate your help here. Cant thank enough

Another thing to try.
Over night, power off the laptop, unplug the power cable and remove all expansion slot cards. Leave over night, and see if it starts up in the morning.

Will do. I will unplug the battery also. Lets See what will happen tomorrow

Unfortunately this didnt change anything.
Support replied with a list of things i should do but still the loop is the same :frowning:

I think I missed the answer, did you manage to charge the battery to full?

Yes, the light was white and i was able to start the framework without a charger…if we can say “start” =)

If you wish to be a bit adventurous, you could plug in a CCD.

You can probably use a USB-C breakout, such as this one (I have not tested this particular one yet):

It already has the 5.1k resistors on it.
Combine that with a 3.3V TTL serial cable.
You will then see the console messages from the EC, and maybe a better clue as to what is going wrong.

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I sell a complete module if you are interested EC Debug Expansion Card

The support will send me a replacement device shortly, as I am still under warranty. I have to say that the communication was really pleasant. within 6 hours I made several tests and videos under the guidance of the support until the result was that my 1340p is probably not repairable at home.

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I would be really interested to find out what the repair procedure is, even if it’s not easy to do at home.


@Andres_Cimmarusti : You are correct. When I reboot, the problem of no display enumeration has returned. I am usually hibernating in which case it generally keeps working. I am now in the habit of swapping ports any time the 2nd display does not show up. I do not recall having this issue before the Bios update.