3:2 desktop wallpapers

Your picture has found a home on my desktop. When my external 1080p monitor is attached, the top and bottom get cropped slightly on that display, but the composition still looks good. Unfortunately, your signature gets clipped on the external monitor, but it still shows up proudly on the main screen.

Thanks for posting your work!

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Came up with this just for fun. Got some inspiration from @JacobFavreault’s earlier post. I’m no graphic designer, but I thought it looked cool.

Dune background courtesy of Mike Yukhtenko over at Unsplash.

And for those of us Arch, BTW users, I made this too.


A view of downtown Chicago taken from the Buckingham Fountain.


Wow! That looks fantastic! Well done :smile:

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Another space image here. What you see is a visualization of the radio emissions from the center of our galaxy. It turns out there’s a Framework logo there! Who would have thought :kissing_heart:

This picture is based on the awesome work found here. I would love to create a higher resolution version but my current laptop can’t handle that. Once I have received my batch 8 with 64GB ram I’ll work on it again.


That looks fantastic! It almost looks like an eye, with the logo as the iris

You are more than right. In fact, the image produced by the Event Horizon Telescope indeed resembles a bit distorted Framework logo. Exploitable :slight_smile:


Most definitely!


I noticed the image on the newly-created Linux on the Framework page was juuust a few pixels off from the native 2256x1504 resolution. So I fixed that and removed the white letterboxing as well:


Hey, did you already have the time to make a hi res version of this? I think it looks awesome!

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I put this one in the discord originally, all orange, but I think I like this look better. If you want to modify at all, I recommend adjusting the hue. (Found some sweet alternatives) I also have the blend file if you are more wizardly.


These wallpapers look absolutely awesome.

If I’d like to start, making some, does anyone know a decent guide to get started?

Are these possible to make via. photoshop?

I’ve had a go at creating something (literally, just mucking about in the “blender options” for abt an hour, but with no idea what I’m doing.)

But it doesn’t look all that good.

Also, I exported it as a .svg and a .png , but they look really different. Does anyone know why?



Took the picture that @feesh posted a while ago and recolored it for a dark theme and tried to clean up the art a bit. The QR code doesn’t actually work because of the color scheme but I left the QR code there in case somebody wants to recolor the image.


Not a photoshop expert, but I am kinda handy when it comes to Paintshop Pro.

For those who miss the good old days.

Seeing as someone already posted the Win11 wallpaper, I assume I don’t have to worry about getting strikes for copyright infringement.

Personally I always preferred Vista (no worries, the voices assured me I’m not insane), but I’m just not sure how I’d implement the FW logo in those typical Vista wallpapers.
I could just put it bang in the middle, but that would be boring.


I haven’t posted a wallpaper for a while. This one is a shot of a freight train passing in front of Grant Park in Galena. Enjoy.


ive been using the inverse lid wallpaper (3:2 desktop wallpapers - #60 by Theo_Naunheim) for a while and then felt compelled to make a minor change after being reminded of that one part of the lorax:

Feel free to reach out if anyone wants the Krita file for this


Huh! Seems there’s KDE Wallpaper Engine plugin (runs with Proton). Might try that.

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This is awesome! I made a BoS case for my Raspberry Pi so I may try something like this if that one breaks.

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Am I late for the party?


Here’s a moon picture I took myself that I’ve been using. It’s not the highest resolution, but perhaps someone would find it useful. :slight_smile:

Here’s a link to the uncompressed version (Discourse seems to compress uploads): https://i.imgur.com/t3m1buL.png