3D Printing Keyboard Spacer


Unfortunately, I forgot to order a single keyboard spacer along with my Framework 16 in order to use the LED matrix (as there would be an empty space on the keyboard without a spacer). Has anyone had luck 3D printing a spacer like the ones not yet available on the Framework marketplace?

Without having one in person, I’m not able to take measurements myself to attempt modeling one!

I think if you contact Framework support they could sort out letting you order one now.

I was in Batch 1 and emailed support shortly after my laptop was delivered, but they said they aren’t able to help until until the spacers are in stock on the store. However, they were incredibly busy around the time of Batch 1, so it may be worth a shot emailing them again.

Not quite what you need, I know, but Erik_Isakson did make a 3D model for the touchpad spacer.

Perhaps if you post over there, someone would be willing to take measurements of the upper / keyboard spacer that you could use to create a model.

Thanks for sharing! I’ll reference this post there and see what happens. :slight_smile:

I believe that one possible issue would be that the spacers need a PCB for the laptop to detect them. Without this, you will need to change some settings in the firmware to allow it to boot with missing input modules and to allow it to power up the input modules when not all input modules have been installed. You might need USB peripherals to complete this configuration (since I imagine the input module power settings still apply to the firmware configuration menus - I haven’t tried this).

Update: the spacers are now in stock and available for purchase! marketplace link

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