Just now saw a jaw dropping video about actnano spray that is already used to protect from water electrical parts of cars and of the payment terminals:
Video shows some of their expositions on the recent SEC - laptops immersed in water while being turned on, or working under the stream of water
This looks extremely impressive and the the cited cost is $1 per machine during the construction
Can you please look into this?
If true - I would LOVE to have such impressive laptop as an upgrade in a couple of years.
It seems that company like framework can be exactly the company that takes on the technology that aims at keeping laptops working for longer
Also check out the complete 54 minute interview with actnano’s CEO Taymur Ahmad:
I know this isn’t going to be an overnight change for the overall assembly process, but I think all the needed changes would be relatively extremely cheap (hopefully) compared to any other systematic change to manufacturing, assembly, and shipping.
Just want to mention that this is primarily a user forum. Framework staff doesn’t often respond directly to feature requests here. Just wanted you to know in the event that happens.
But I think Framework does keep an eye on new developments in tech that can be useful, so if something turns out to be legit, and without hidden or conveniently glossed over issues, then they’ll probably see it on their own. The FRL16 was one of the first 240W USB PD capable laptops.