AMD Batch 8 Guild

Is anyone else still waiting for delivery?

I’m at 18 days since shipping so far, and it’s been at the local distribution hub for 9 days with no update.
Not sure if/when I should try to contact FedEx or Framework about it

Oof, that’s a bummer. I’d recommend contacting fedex. They’ll probably tell you to wait a bit longer, but they should at least give you some time window.

I have finally received the shipment!


2023-11-28 Shipped from Taiwan

2023-12-06 Arrived at local FedEx distribution hub

2023-12-16 Filled out form on FedEx website requesting information

2023-12-16 Emailed Framework Support with request for information

2023-12-18 Received email reply from FedEx:

"Upon checking, your parcel was last scanned at the Welshpool facility on 6/12/2023.

A case has been opened for further investigation and a case worker will get in touch with you within 2 hours to advise and assist you further on this shipment."

I reply that I’m overseas and to call me on my international number. No call came through, or I may have missed it as I’ve been out of service.

2023-12-20 Reply from Framework that case was escalated

2023-12-20 email from FedEx:

"As per the investigation , we found that Chittering is not directly served by FedEx and ODA agent Startrack.

Pkg handed over to Startrack, connote TNNZxxxxxxxx.

Awaiting collection at BULLSBROOK LPO, BULLSBROOK WA, 6084."

I reply requesting that my wife could pick up the package, they reply yes.

No reply from FedEx after this point

2023-12-21 Reply from Framework:

“As per Fedex shipment is held at BULLSBROOK LPO, BULLSBROOK WA, 6084 ready for collection since the shipping address is not being directly served by Fedex and they have notified you regarding the same. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.”

2023-12-22 I reply to FedEx that I’m overseas and I’m unlikely to be able to have someone pick it up as the post office is closed most days over the holidays and also request that they send it to an alternative address and supply a list of options.

No reply from FedEx

2023-12-22 Framework reply:


Please take note that Fedex can only hold the shipment for 7 days if it has not been collected by then this will be returned to the warehouse, contact person for collection in Fedex is xxxxxxxxxxx (Customer Experience Relationship Rep)."’

2023-12-28 Framework reply:

“Apologies, it looks like we forgot to share complete contact information for xxxxx (Customer Experience Relationship Rep). Her email is

2023-12-29 I reply to Framework:

"Thankyou, I did receive an email from xxxxxxxx (Customer Experience Relationship Rep), I’ve replied 7 days ago requesting delivery to a new address as I’m unable to collect from that post office.

I haven’t heard back, so I’ll email them again to see what my options are."

2023-12-29 I email FexEx again:

Hi again xxxxx

I haven’t heard back so am getting contact again on case my email was missed.

I’m still overseas and my wife’s working hours haven’t allowed for them to pickup from that post office during its limited holiday opening hours.

I understand it has been more than 7 days held at the post office, so it may have already been returned to the warehouse. If so; is that the sender’s facility overseas, or a local Fed-Ex warehouse?

If the parcel is still held at Bullsbrook Post Office, It ask my wife to keep trying to find a time to pickup on my behalf, hopefully within the next week.

I’d also like to follow up on my question about redirecting the parcel to somewhere else, so that I can have it delivered to my place by another service.

My options are;

Xxxxx(Several delivery addresses close to the city)

If none of the above are possible I can try to collect when I return to Australia after January 5th, so if that is my only option please let me know the details and I’ll arrange a time to get to wherever the parcel is held at that time.

Was there some communication I missed that should have alerted me to the parcel being undeliverable and my needing to pick it up from the post office? How is this issue usually resolved, and where was the fault in this case?


No reply from FedEx

2024-01-01 Email from Framework:


We would just like to check if you were able to receive the shipment. Thanks


Framework Support"

2024-01-01 I reply to Framework:


I haven’t been able to receive it, I’ve emailed the FedEx contact xxxxx twice requesting more information, and not received a response.

I’m not sure if the shipment is still held at the post office, or if I’ll need to find a way to collect it from somewhere else.

I’ve also asked them if FedEx are able to redirect it to a different address, now that we know they can’t arrange delivery to my home address.

Please let me know if I need to get in contact with someone else, or if I just need to wait for xxxxx to respond.

I’ve also asked my partner to try to call the post office when they reopen tomorrow and try to find out if the shipment is still held there before organising the trip into town to collect it during their opening hours.


2024-01-02 I call the Post office internationally but there doesn’t seem to be a way to contact them directly, it just redirects to a state call line with no relevant options.

2024-01-02 My wife is able to pick the parcel up from the Post Office (around 30min drive from home)

2024-01-02 I reply to framework again:

"We couldn’t get hold of the post office, so I’ve just asked my wife to take the morning off work and they have driven in and successfully picked it up now!

So I have now received the shipment, thanks.

Still haven’t had a reply from FedEx though, and I’m not sure why it went wrong in the first place! I didn’t get any notification that it wasn’t going to be delivered, or instructions until I reached out and submitted the ticket etc.

Thanks! "

2024-02-02 reply from Framework:


Thanks for the confirmation, apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused you.


Framework Support"


After much troubleshooting and unplugging/plugging the display cable it randomly started working perfectly. I suspect there was some kind of residue on the connector on the new motherboard. If you have display corruption issues try cleaning the connectors and/or cycling the connector like a dozen times.

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