My laptop refuses to boot again. The last time this happened about a month and a half ago I think I did a mainboard reset (no way to really tell). It booted though and then I updated the bios and drivers and everything.
Now it is happening again. I’ve tried the reset again a bunch of times - which I believe is 10 presses of the chassis switch. I got this off another post because there’s no official instructions for the amd laptop and no coin cell. There’s also no way to tell if it worked or not right? No acknowledgment of any kind. I’ve tried holding the presses for 2 seconds each, 2 seconds between presses, more than 10 times, etc. It is not working though.
The post code I keep getting is BGBGBGGG. I think that means SMM_ACPI_DISABLE_START, OS call ACPI disable function. I got that from github and don’t know what it means and can’t find anything else about it.
Does anyone know what the post code means, how to reset an amd mainboard, or other ideas?