AVX Issues

When using AudioDirector 365 I am unable to use the Noise Reduction tool as I get the error message “The affect cannot be applied on your computer. Try installing the latest Windows update and check if your system supports the AVX instruction set.” Back in October everything was working fine. I’ve not been editing A/V stuff lately because I’ve had so much writing to do and now that I am back to the A/V side of things I have this infernal AVX issue.

I have a support ticket in with Cyberlink AudioDirector 365’s team as well.

Anyone have some insight on this?

I just updated the bios today to version 3.05 and jsut to be on the safe side I reinstalled all my OEM Framework drivers. (We all know how obnoxios Windows can be about stealth-replacing drivers).


A post was merged into an existing topic: Enable AVX