BSOD with eGPU fixed by disabling Memory Integrity

Hey, everyone.

I was going to post on here asking for help, but I think I found a solution. I thought I’d post in case anyone else encounters this problem.

I have a FW13 with 13th Gen Intel dual-booting Windows 11 and Debian 12. I was trying to setup an eGPU (Specifically, the Sonnet 750 with an AMD RX 6700 XT) and was getting these mysterious BSODs while playing Starfield.

The message on the BSOD was “PCI_CONFIG_SPACE_ACCESS_FAILURE,” which, as far as I could tell, was not a phrase that exists on the internet except for this Reddit post from two weeks ago. I saw some similar error messages on the Microsoft support forum and the Framework forum, such as " PCI_CONFIG_SPACE_ACCESS_VIOLATION." The frustrating part is normally these BSODs indicate what driver or program caused the error, but I had no other information in the error message and it wasn’t creating a Minidump file.

The most popular solution seemed to be to remove the old AMD driver with DDU and then manually install the latest AMD driver, which didn’t do anything.

The solution that finally worked for my was to disable Memory Integrity in the Core Isolation menu. Just do a Windows search for “Core Isolation” and it should pop up.

Not sure if this is a Framework issue or something specific to AMD + Windows.

Anyways, I hope that helps someone!


I’m using an RX580 in a Razer Core X and I’m also getting the BSOD. i7-1360P.

Disabling memory integrity only changed the crash stop code from SECURE_PCI_CONFIG_SPACE_ACCESS_VIOLATION to PCI_CONFIG_SPACE_ACCESS_FAILURE for me. Maybe I’ll replace my AX210 with a BE200 and see if that fixes the problem.

Even stranger is how I can’t post while the eGPU thunderbolt cable is connected, so I have to let it post and then connect the cable. All the framework forum posts I see complaining about abnormal behavior with an eGPU are all AMD graphic cards. Could it be bad drivers from AMD? I even have to use an older driver to launch a game (Genshin Impact) with kernel anti cheat because otherwise the game just immediately crashes my computer upon launching.

As of now it just crashes occasionally, at random times. So I’ve only been plugging in the eGPU when I need to use it.