Choosing AMD or Intel: Practical performance/feature tradeoffs of Intel Core 13th gen -vs- Ryzen 7040 series (esp under Linux)

Trying to pick. I have a 12th gen i5 framework-12 I’ll be handing down to the wife. Will install ubuntu 22.04

My workload is:

  • general purpose / traveling use → eg battery life both on and in standby, mostly, since ‘office’ use is mostly irrelevant performance wise.
  • run some workloads in docker as well as a single windows VM for two programs not supported
  • some CAD and development (but these days cpu compiler time is not that relevant - filesystem is though)
  • connect one usb-c 4k monitor today and will be adding another within the life of the laptop. Perhaps by that time it will be higher res. I see ‘thunderbolt’ is intel only, but is there any practical difference in support or performance with AMD’s implementation there?

I can’t find any direct comparison or pros/cons here. I see Framework is only or initially shipping 16’s with Ryzens - does that carry any significance w.r.t. choosing the processor on the 13?


For the AMD Ryzen™ 7040 Series processors, we’ll be sharing more detailed specifications as we get closer to shipment.

From 13th Gen Intel® Core™ and AMD Ryzen™ 7040 Series join the Framework Laptop 13 family. Have the team provided an update I’m not seeing?

Likely not much, since the company is already building up production quantities of both mainboards, and will stock both separately.

Nothing on specs, but they have announced by email to those who pre-ordered that the early batch Ryzen boards and laptops are delayed due to electrical issues that require a last minute redesign. If you haven’t put in a pre-order yet this won’t affect you though, as they are going to be able to catch up with preorder schedules by Q4. (according to the email.)