Custom Fedora OCI images for Framework laptops

Ok all switched, we should be good to go for F40!


Im reading already for a certain time what youre doing with Bluefin and Ublue…
but when i got my F13 AMD a few weeks ago i just installed Fedora Atomic Gnome 39, aka Silverblue.
Im very happy with the experience. Maybe the battery could be a little better, but from reviews and such, the battery life is not the greatest on the market…

What pros and cons it would have when i would switch to Bluefin when it comes out with F40?
And is there a way of switching withiut needing to completely reinstall?

Just rebase is my understanding

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Quick update, we’ve released everything today, however, the magical “out of the box” Framework bits will be landing later this week (hardware shipping delay) and I’ll update then. Thanks!


W00t! Thanks @Jorge_Castro

Answer is (if I am not mistaken @Jorge_Castro)

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Really, really amazing work @Jorge_Castro ! I am also new one stumbling upon Bluefin (well, Aurora-DX will be my way to go) and I am truly impressed by the speed and maturity of things in such a short span (at least from what I can read - will get my FW16 next week and will be finally able to play).

Just want to make sure: Does it mean that possibly next week I will be able to go to, pick Framework / AMD / Developer-Yes and I will get aurora-dx-framework.iso? Or should I get it under Bluefin Github packages or elsewhere?

Also please advise what is the preferred way to give feedback/contribute - is it via Github issues?

It won’t be a specific image (we don’t need those anymore thanks to Fedora/Framework’s work in getting all this stuff working upstream!) - so our focus will be on the the little nitpicks, our goal is zero extra config, we’ll have more details next week as we land things.

Feel free to file issues in the github repo for now and we’ll take a look, thanks!


I really enjoyed watching the walkthrough with Chris Short, and I’ll probably go ahead and run it for at least like a week or so.

I’ve thought of running Silverblue/Kinoite for a bit, but I love that Bluefin/Aurora sets up the base (codecs etc) just out of the box.


Decided on Aurora, mainly to try KDE 6 a bit more, and so far, I dig it. Some getting used to it being flatpak + Brew, but far less then I thought. I did layer Mullvad, since Mullvad through Tailscale only takes credit cards, and I don’t have one and I already have Mullvad, but i dig it so far.


So, I did went back to Gnome, and I just noticed this, which is a tiny little thing, but I dig it.

Screenshot from 2024-05-05 18-21-38


Surprise! :slight_smile: Cool, right? FW hardware detection complete.


It’s very neat.

Is there any time frame for the GA of bluefin FW edition, which @Jorge_Castro hinted at?
And when it lands is a rebase needed when I already rocking bluefin gts?

Also awesome; the fetch.

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That is a Jorge thing, but right now I happily use Bluefin on my FW13 AMD Ryzen and it has been flawless. Everything FW related, works perfectly.

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How is Aurora? I’ve been eyeing Kinoite and Aurora, but don’t understand what may be different between the two.

Aurora is basically Bluefin but KDE. Kinoite is basically barebones Fedora KDE, Aurora/Bluefin adds some stuff to make it more useful out of the box.

The website probably explains it better.

Nothing wrong with KDE btw, I just prefer Gnome on laptops.

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I have installed Aurora-DX 40 on my FW16 yesterday (that’s the Developer experience edition). I was waiting for them to include FW-related stuff. Their release 2.6.0 is out and it seems to contain the goodies, see chore(main): release 2.6.0 by github-actions[bot] · Pull Request #1236 · ublue-os/bluefin · GitHub. Didn’t put it under any heavy test, but so far it looks great!

I’ll have to test this on my FW13, thanks