Do Framework employees use the Framework laptop (for work purposes)

I was just wondering if any Framework employees used one of the laptops for work (besides testing it), so I thought I’d ask!

If it’s already been answered, pointing me to that thread would be much appreciated!


Well, I imagine so. It would kinda stupid if you produce a product but you don’t stand behind it enough to use it yourself. I know that Framework employees are issued a FW laptop upon hire.

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Yes they do. They call it dogfooding.


@GhostLegion yeah that’s what I thought, just can’t be to sure.

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They do, but to what degree, we don’t know.


I know that Bee shared that they got a Framework laptop for work when they started at the company, and I’ve caught a few Framework laptops being used in the Live Q&A sessions that the company has hosted. I would assume that all employees are given one as a primary device, but I’m sure that there are also employees that need more powerful desktop machines for mechanical design, CAD, and other intense workflows that they do!