Dual USB-C Expansion Card

Do you not use a dock? It’d annoy me plugging a bunch of stuff in every time

For me, it’d be overkill but I’d like to have the dual port just to max it out. lol

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I tried. Too laggy and too resource intensive. Connecting directly to the ports of the laptop uses less resources and it’s much more responsive.

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Sounds like you got the displeasure of using a displaylink based one or something.

Actual Displayport+usb or thunderbolt based ones are neither laggy nor particularly more resource intensive than plugging it “directly” into the ports on the laptop.


When it’s singular it’s fine. When it’s multiple is when it starts to be laggy. I don’t have thunderbolt on my PC. 1 screen per USB is acceptable, 2 is too much. So I just use the dedicated ports, that way the USB are still available.

That sounds even more like displaylink. Displayport, even with multiple display either works or it doesn’t there is no lagging there.

I do agree with you there displaylink is kinda cancer if you have to use it but in some cases it’s better than nothing.


I know I and probably others are following this thread with bated breath. Looking forward to hearing back on the results of this!
I haven’t done any sort of PCB design, but I’m greatly interested in this module concept and would pursue it myself if you all hadn’t already started. Wishing everyone luck!

Oh I’m sorry for the long wait! I have the bare PCBs and components actually sitting on my desk but I didn’t have the time to assemble one yet :pensive:.

And welcome to the community :smiley:.


Where did you get all your parts?

Sorry for letting you wait for so long! :pensive:

My design ended up being a 6-layer two part assembly, with one PCB having basically only the USB-C plug and a board-to-board connector on it to offset it in height. I made it a tiny panel to make handling easier.
It can most likely be simplified a little and made more producion-friendly.

I did actually assemble the first (bottom) side tonight, but I really have to go to bed now!
Still have to properly clean it and touch up a few spots.
The top side looks a little more exciting with the main IC, voltage converter and the connectors there but it’s not assembled yet. I’ll do that on the weekend. I hpoe it survives a second reflow cycle without components falling off :sweat_smile:.

Assembled bottom:

Bare top:


Awesome! Love it! Keep up the great work!
This is going to be a great addition!

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Hey, I love your work and I’m very excited for the final card. Are your schematics public?

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The C stands for cute <3


Absolutely amazing and will 100% buy it ;).


Just chiming in with “I will totally buy and test this on my Intel 12th gen laptop if/when you sell these”.

Even if the price will start high because of low quantity. I really want this to succeed.


I would buy it for 20 dollars

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I would buy at least 3 if they were $20.

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Would also purchase!

I would be 100% in on this, I’m more than willing drop around $40-$60 on something like this. The fact that it would hopefully last me years and multiple motherboard replacements, and the fact that Framework seems very committed to this specific format of “card” so even on a brand new laptop I’ll still be using it? Yeah $40-$60 is within reason IMHO.


@Daniel_Gilbert and all. This work is absolutely amazing, but I would like to ask if another idea would be possible: would it be feasible to make an expansion card with a regular USB AND a head phone jack? Or an expansion card with a USB-C and a head phone jack? My point is that such an expansion card would literally objectively free up one port for all those users that love their head phone jack. And personally, I would fill it in with an additional drive (1TB), thus always having a USB-C drive with you that you literally cannot lose. And of course others would use it for other stuff. Regardless, such an expansion card would really be useful for thousands. I would certainly buy it as well.


awesome work…
+1 another willing buyer in case someone decided to make them available for purchase.

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