F16 Keyboard Backlight not turning off during sleep

Hi there,

all of a sudden my Framework 16’s keyboard backlight no longer turns off when the laptop is sleeping. I accidentially enabled the breathing effect using Alt+C in the past, but disabled it again. Could this be another unintended keyboard shortcut? The numpad is turning off its backlight as expected.


I am not an electrical engineer, and also not familiar with the board layout of the keyboard module, so take my advice cautiously. But if I had this issue, first thing I’d check if the pin 6 from this layout of the keyboard module maybe has a bad connection and clean both sides of that pin with a liittle bit of contact cleaner maybe.

Edit: Although, bad connection would rather mean that the keyaboard would not turn off, not that it would stay one. Sorry, disregard my post :frowning:

I don’t believe there’s any shortcut that will alter the sleep behavor of the backlight.

Ok, I have opened a ticket.

As it turned out this seems to be caused by applying the udev rule documented at: [TRACKING] Framework AMD Ryzen 7040 Series lid wakeup behavior feedback - #93 by betalars

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