FIXED: trackpad in linux

I am using the latest stable Debian (11). I tried adding the quirk in /usr/share/libinput as indicated here but I still don’t have right-button functionality on the trackpad. Any suggestions to have this working with libinput 1.16.4 ?

EDIT - no quirks needed - using the Tweaks application, go to Keyboard & mouse > Mouse click emulation and make sure Area is ticked.

I’m running Sway and am running into the same issues. I have the quirks listed at /usr/share/libinput but no scroll or right-click although I can tap-to-click. I’ve tried disabling the PS/2 emulation but that removes the device entirely. Anyone have an luck?

That’s really odd. I’ll check in a bit about the right-click, but certainly my touchpad works with PS/2 emulation disabled (I know because I disabled PS/2 emulation to fix touchpad issues upon resume from deep sleep).

Oh, and my scrolling definitely works.

I did some more testing. It’s the Alpine kernel I believe. With it, libinput only recognizes it as a generic PS/2 mouse instead of the PIXA3854 touchpad. I’m going to try to build a new kernel to see.

@Evan_Hazlett any updates? I’m having the same problem, also on Alpine Linux (3.15, using -lts kernel).

I’m facing the same problem as @Sebastian and @Evan_Hazlett (libinput recognizes the trackpad as a generic PS/2 mouse in Alpine 3.15 – thus I have no right click nor scroll). Did one of you find a solution ?

Have you tried single-finger clicking in the front right corner of the trackpad? That is the equivalent to two-finger tapping on this trackpad in Ubuntu 21.10 (if tapping is enabled).


I just wanted to let everyone know: I have installed Kubuntu 22.04 (beta) on my Framework Laptop. At the beginning, I could not activate “tap to click” in the touchpad system settings, the menu item was just grayed out. And now, while I was preparing to report this issue here and wanted to make a screenshot of the said settings, the item suddenly was selectable. And not only that - it even works as expected.

Apart from that, there were no other problems with the touchpad from the beginning. So it seems that the device will work flawlessly with Ubuntu 22.04 once it is released.

Regards, Dirk

I’m running Gentoo, and I manually compile my kernels. I’m running into the same issue above of the trackpad not being detected, but it seems to me that this is a kernel configuration issue. Can anyone running Linux with a fully-working trackpad post the output of lspci -k, lsmod, and lshw (possibly to a pastebin of some sort)? Note that lshw may need to be installed.

lspci -k



On Linux Mint 20.3 with kernel 5.14.0-1033-oem.

Trackpad working perfectly.

Thank you very much - I was missing the hid_multitouch module (CONFIG_HID_MULTITOUCH). The trackpad works now.

Also, for anyone else experiencing these sorts of issues, if you are comfortable with kernel configuration, please see the Gentoo Wiki page for the Framework laptop.

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@Fraoch: I hope that’s not your password, but if it is, then it’s an excellent one.

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Thank you - no, it’s the machine’s host name. I posted it on this forum a while ago.


I see your post is from a while ago but I have scroll/right-click/tap-to-click all working in Sway on Fedora 35.

In my Sway config I have the following for the touchpad input:

input 2362:628:PIXA3854:00_093A:0274_Touchpad {
    dwt enabled
    tap enabled
    middle_emulation enabled
    natural_scroll enabled

I don’t know if the input identifier value will change across different machines, so just use swaymsg -t get_inputs to find yours.

It should be noted that you need to follow the same touchpad placement as the screenshot in the post above yours. i.e. to achieve “right click” menus you need to use two fingers on the bottom right of the trackpad etc. Hope that helps!

@deadl0ck Awesome! I’ll give this a shot. Thanks for the update!

Does that mean you have to recompile the kernel to solve it? I’m not comfortable with kernel configuration.


If you’re still using Alpine, pinctrl for Tigerlake has just been enabled in the standard lts kernel by default (5.15.36-r1). And I can confirm that the touchpad now works properly:

Thank you @ssu, I’ll take a look at it.

I now run the version of the kernel but the touchpad still doesn’t work.
Do you think I missed doing something?

EDIT: with the 5.15.38-1-lts version of the kernel, it now works. :star_struck:

How can I find what version of libintput is installed on my Ububtu 20.0.4 system?

I was hoping that running salt regularly would ensure I have the lastest version of the needed drivers. Perhaps not. I am executing:

wget -O /tmp/ &&
bash /tmp/ --enable-hibernate

I have an issue where, intermittently, my trackpad stops responding. I can go to the login screen (by hitting the power button) and log back in and that usually fixes it. The fw support people said “update your drivers”, among other things.

Well, they also said to get the ‘Emulate PS/2 mouse’ to false. I did that, so it may fix my issues.