Frame.Work Laptop Hardware Issue

  • Which OS (Operating System)?
  • Which release of your OS (Operating System / Windows 10, 11)?
    Windows 11
  • Which Framework laptop (11th, 12th or 13th generation Framework laptop, Chromebook or Framework Laptop 16) are you asking for support with?
    Framwork Laptop 13, AMD

I do think, that I am having an hardware issue with my framework laptop display

Does have anyone of you already seen such an issue? And if yes, what part (or connection) might be defective?



Have you checked if the display is properly plugged into the motherboard and hasnt gotten loose?

But the display is propably going RIP

Hi @inffy , I verified it after your comment. And it seems, that there is no issue with the plug of the montior cable to the motherboard. The issue is still identical.

Thank you for your idea.

Sadly there are quite a few of these screen issues, do search etc.

The latest before yours is this one

That appears to be a hardware issue not a connector issue. Suggest you create a support ticket. They will want some pictures and context as to what happened. Fortunately, it is easily replaceable.

Thank you all, I created a support ticket.

Cool, you got a partially failed version of the ones we are talking about in “Vertical Lines Going Down Screen” (linked above).

I’m sorry it bit you, but it’s cool to see it while it’s just starting to fail. If you run your finger across the bottom of the screen/bezel with light pressure, you’ll probably see the failed bits lighting up momentarily, but it’ll likely get worse until you have a large vertical section all blacked out.

If in warranty, contact support, take the twenty pictures, and they will send you a replacement screen.

You mean it will get worse, like for example on the right hand edge? :wink: I am already missing there around 20% from the screen as a large vertical section blacked out :smiley:

I can’t know for certain, since no one really knows what is failing (except maybe FW themselves), but if it’s the same issue that bit a couple people in the other thread, and bit me twice, then yes, it will get worse. When my first panel failed, I bought a little DP-to-eDP adapter for it and connected it to a spare machine, to see what happened, and it has developed more and more blacked-out lines over time, even though it’s not in a laptop anymore, so no movement or touching.

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