Framework 16 keyboard function key issues

I have a framework 16 with the RGB keyboard and macropad
I have a very strange issue where the function key no longer affects f2, f7 and I think f12 sometimes? Also, caps lock seems to spam itself if I press it quickly, then go to quickly pressing keys physically close to it (especially A, S and D, but W does it do sometimes, and I think so does Q)
Q stopped working at all before randomly coming back
This happens in both windows 11, and arch linux, and the issue is identical in the 2 OS’s.

I tried resetting the keyboard (using the erase firmware uf2 thing from framework’s qmk github fork), I tried removing the keycaps to look for physical damage to the keys (I saw none), I tried looking at the connector cable between the metal cover and the inside of the laptop (the brick connector with the 1 on it under the keyboard), because someone mentioned that it can be sensitive, but I couldn’t notice any damage (I also looked at it through a microscope).

Is my keyboard just broken, and I should order a new one? Will the issue just happen again on a new keyboard?

I have spilled liquid on it once, but I immediately removed it from the laptop, and waited for it to dry completely before installing it back, and the issue i not occurring where the liquid was spilled, but on seemingly random places on the keyboard (though the right arrow also has the problem where it ignores the function key, and is closer to that place)

Function lock works fine, it’s just holding down the function key that causes problems (and of course the caps weirdness, and the problem with Q that resolved itself)

EDIT: Immediately after posting ALL issues disappeared… The issues randomly appeared and disappeared around the keyboard, but there was always at least one problematic key, but now all of the sudden there are no problems, this confuses me