Framework 16 Thermals

Yeah both of those should be possible, the Linux side I’ll have to do some more research on, but afaik on the Windows side AMD should have a control panel with the needed controls, but I wouldn’t quote me on that as it has been half a decade since I really used Windows.

It was decently loud while I was playing Stellaris on max setting/native resolution, moreso when using the iGPU as it had temps at 100c. Playing with the dGPU ironically made the system quieter.
Any kind of game you want tested? Depending on the game, it would load the CPU differently. (I should note as I game on Linux, the ones I could test are more limited, but maybe someone else could come along to test if I’m unable to)


Could you try cyberpunk 2077 at 1080p 60fps on medium and high?

This way we could know what the sound is with an average performance in both configurations

thank you

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This should be the same as the ACPI platform profile in Linux.


All of these are at 1080p and on the dGPU. It was fairly loud, but something I would still use. Sounds like a jet when framerate is uncapped and a higher load on CPU.
1080p Medium uncapped refresh rate

1080p Medium capped to 60

1080p High capped to 60

I ended up breaking the EPR cable that came with my charger in an accident a few hours after testing. So I won’t be able to do full thermal load again until next week when a replacement comes in. I do however have an extra cable rated for up to 100w. It would appear that when you don’t have an EPR capable cable, the TDP/power budget is set to the same as if it were on battery. As a result the system is significantly cooler and quieter, something I personally prefer as I’m not chasing absolute performance, so I might just stick with using a non-EPR cable for when I don’t want to do heavy gaming.


Ended up being able to adjust the limit with RyzenAdj. If anyone else comes across this thread and finds that they are having issues running it, you may need to add iomem=relaxed to your kernel boot parameters.
Based on the table from RyzenAdj, it seems like the TDP was set to 60w with no tctl limit, but if there’s something wrong with that conclusion, let me know.

CPU Family: Phoenix Point
SMU BIOS Interface Version: 14
Version: v0.14.0 
PM Table Version: 4c0008
|        Name         |   Value   |     Parameter      |
| STAPM LIMIT         |    60.000 | stapm-limit        |
| STAPM VALUE         |     4.652 |                    |
| PPT LIMIT FAST      |    60.000 | fast-limit         |
| PPT VALUE FAST      |     6.277 |                    |
| PPT LIMIT SLOW      |    60.000 | slow-limit         |
| PPT VALUE SLOW      |     5.090 |                    |
| StapmTimeConst      |       nan | stapm-time         |
| SlowPPTTimeConst    |       nan | slow-time          |
| PPT LIMIT APU       |       nan | apu-slow-limit     |
| PPT VALUE APU       |       nan |                    |
| TDC LIMIT VDD       |       nan | vrm-current        |
| TDC VALUE VDD       |       nan |                    |
| TDC LIMIT SOC       |       nan | vrmsoc-current     |
| TDC VALUE SOC       |       nan |                    |
| EDC LIMIT VDD       |       nan | vrmmax-current     |
| EDC VALUE VDD       |       nan |                    |
| EDC LIMIT SOC       |       nan | vrmsocmax-current  |
| EDC VALUE SOC       |       nan |                    |
| THM LIMIT CORE      |       nan | tctl-temp          |
| THM VALUE CORE      |       nan |                    |
| STT LIMIT APU       |       nan | apu-skin-temp      |
| STT VALUE APU       |       nan |                    |
| STT LIMIT dGPU      |       nan | dgpu-skin-temp     |
| STT VALUE dGPU      |       nan |                    |
| CCLK Boost SETPOINT |       nan | power-saving /     |
| CCLK BUSY VALUE     |       nan | max-performance    |

I set mine to a 45w tdp and tctl limit of 80c, but I won’t be able to see how that goes until next week when new cable comes in.
sudo ./ryzenadj --stapm-limit=45000 --fast-limit=45000 --slow-limit=45000 --tctl-temp=80


Ryzenadj tuned values will be discarded by the EC when you change power adapters in/out or change state from the OS.

If you want to tune these values the best thing to do is modify the EC.


Thanks for the reply. I wonder if framework will release a dedicated program with different power modes and fan control.


I REALLY hope they do. Full software customizability is a major point for me, and fan profiles & thermal control on a workstation laptop do wonders for quietness.


We hope they do. While I imagine you can use programs like msi after burner…

It is known if the framework is going to release a program to manage the tdp, the fan curves…

Technically all of that already exists but it is definitely lacking a nice UI XD

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I looked though this thread and didn’t see this question answered (if it was already my apologies) but I was wondering how hot the exterior gets (top and bottom of the chassis, keyboard, etc.) Thanks!

I don’t have a Framework Laptop 16, so I can’t measure it. However, it’s an AMD Advantage Premium Laptop, and those are required to meet the following temperature limits: a maximum of 40 degrees Celsius on the WASD keys and 52 degrees Celsius on the bottom panel. I hope this information helps, at least a little.

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Check this review : The Last Gaming Laptop You’ll Ever Need? Framework 16 Review (


At 1080 p and 60 fps was the sound higher than 40 dB?

I am also seeing temperatures in the 95-100C range when playing Helldivers 2. A bit weird that I’m hitting stress test level temperatures when gaming, but it would appear that 100 degrees is still a safe temp for this cpu?

According to the technical specifications from the manufacturer’s website
100 degrees is the maximum temperature, 100 degrees for
any laptop is not very good.

I’d report this to FW Support, maybe there is a fix to help with that.

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Yep! Already did a week ago, and it’s getting escalated. Thanks :smiley: I’m running a cinebench right now too, since that should help tell me if my performance to thermal ratio is poor

I don’t have any equipment or a good frame of reference to say what the sound level is.

Is this on the dGPU or iGPU? I’ve yet to play Helldivers, but whenever I’d game on the iGPU, I’d hit the same temps as a full CPU load would do. If it’s on the dGPU and that’s the limiter to the FPS, CPU is routinely 15-25c cooler :sweat_smile:

Genuinely did not occur to me to do that after reading this post:

Sorry for the late response, not too sure how accurate my thermal camera is, but after ~17 minutes of a CPU-only stress test (100c on CPU the whole time), hottest spot on the keyboard is around ~37c, whereas on the bottom the hottest spot was at ~40c