Framework Laptop 16 Ryzen 7040 BIOS 3.05 Release

Updated to 3.0.5
Windows 10
HWMonitor (Free/Basic) - Temperatures of CPU Cores #0 to #7 no longer listed, only “Package” temp.

What about in HWInfo64?

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Thanks for the tip!
Cores #0 to #7 appear in HWInfo64.

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In BETA BIOS 3.04, there was a fix for the incorrect thermal zone temps:

Set ACPI thermal zone _CRT to 170C and _HOT to 160C. This should fix an issue where thermal zones where not loaded in linux due to being out of range: Commit - Sourcegraph

As this BIOS version seems to be abandoned (-> stays BETA), is the fix included in 3.05 now again? Or are you expecting that the 3.04 upgrade is installed by everyone even though it is BETA (will it be upgraded from BETA eventually?)?

Yes the fix is also in this version


I thought I had saw in another thread that people have been testing undervolting their FW 16, but when I went into my BIOS (I believe I’m on 3.03, latest stable) but didn’t find an option for undervolting there. Was I mistaken?

I’m glad the BIOS is being updated.
I’m looking forward to a stable (non-beta) version so I can update to the latest and greatest.


Opened an issue on the github page. But can anyone else with the dGPU confirm is balanced/best performance is setting the TDP for both the APU/dGPU to 120W? I recall balanced used to keep it at 100W and this would prevent the system battery from draining on the 180W charger.

Is it just me, or does FW16 BIOS 3.05 work slightly better USB wise?
My mobile phone now connects OK to the laptop, whereas on 3.03 it had problems.
There is nothing in the release notes about improvements to the USB handling, but it appears a bit better.
It is a shame I cannot downgrade to BIOS 3.03 to double check this.

I have more Trouble with my eGPU since the 3.05 Update. Sometimes when i connect it, it kills the Wifi Card and Expansion Ports for some Seconds, for the Rest to recover and the eGPU not beeing accepted with a USB Port insufficient Warning (don’t know how the prompt is called in English)

For the eGPU, I assume you are using a USB4 cable plugged into port 1 or port 4 of the FW16.
I assume the external eGPU has its own power supply.
I assume the FW16 has the 180W FW PSU brick.
Does the “kills the …” situation change depending on whether you have the FW16 PSU brick attached to the FW16 at the time or not?
Also, is this windows or Linux ?

It was running just fine before with either the Fw Brick, the 90wPD from my Screen or the new 240W Brick or even on Battery. Yes the eGPU is an RX6800xt pulling above 300w its definitly have its own Powersupply and it is not providing Powerdelivery to the Framework. Its just a PCIE tunnel on the full usb4 40gbit bandwith. So no i haven’t found a Reason why its not running smoothly Plug and Play anymore reliantly even the Eventlog isn’t giving me a damn Clue, but it started after the 3.05 Upgrade and well im stuck there as a Revert to 3.04 3.03 is not possible as stated by Framework and won’t try.

I guess this confirms my suspicion that some USB changes have been made between 3.03 and 3.05, but they have just not included any details about it in the release notes.

I will reinstall my Windows Install now after i did 3.05, will see if its a coincidence. Possibly it is a malfunctioning Canary Update that dropped around the same time as 3.05.
When i DDU every GPU Driver, the eGPU connects and is detected, the Autoinstalled Drivers through Windows Update do also work, but since 3.05 ish Time, every AMD Adrenaline Driver breaks my eGPU 24.8.1 did work flawless before, 9.1 and 10.1 have Trouble with Whitescreening the IGPU/DGPU with 23H2 and now, but did work flawless on 24H2 before 3.05.

I’m still on 3.03, but 24H2 caused many issues for me, esp. when connecting to a docking station. I’m back on 23H2 bc of this. First time i tried to upgrade to 24H2 from 23H2 → issues. Then i did a clean install of 24H2 → issues when connecting to external docking. I won’t install 24H2 w/o knowing it won’t cause issues. I’m not sure if the issues need to be fixed in firmware or drivers, I expect the latter, but am uncertain.


This release runs modern AGESA code, replacing the pretty dated AGESA firmware on 3.03. Most things related to the AMD SoC / platform shoudl be a little bit better.

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I’ve just installed, and can confirm that on the balanced setting the battery will drain down when plugged in on this BIOS version (3.03 did not do this).

Bit annoying tbh, hopefully this gets patched soon (or, 240w USB-C chargers become a lot more common!)

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Well the 240w Delta one is quiete common. Its not on backorder. Took 4 days to arrive for me. Shipped from USA to Germany.

#sorryforofftopic :slight_smile:


is this solved? I am hesitate to update now. I am running egpu setup with dgpu removed.

Didn’t have much Time, but the Combo 24H2 and 3.05 Bios is unusable with a USB 4 GPU. I had to reinstall the AMD Adrenaline Driver after EVERY Restart to use the eGPU.
24H2 with 3.04 Was stable und perfectly working.
I reverted to 23H2 but i hadn’t time to test the eGPU after i reverted. But this Weekend i will try again.