Framework laptop not going to sleep/suspend

Greetings fellow humans, human fellas.

Strangely I noticed that unless I physically log out or put the machine to suspend, the machine won’t sleep and go to the loginscreen when I close the lid.

Well to be more specific, the machine does sleep. The disolay goes black and I have to press the power button to resume back. But instead of going to the login screen, it immediately resumes to the desktop.

Does anyone else have such an issue?

I’m using Fedora 34.

Check your power management settings and there is a trigger somewhere to log out when the display is closed.

Where is that setting? I’m on Fedora Gnome and I don’t such setting or anything similar.


Where is that setting? I’m on Fedora Gnome and I don’t such setting or anything similar.

Settings > Privacy > Screen Lock

@Nick_Adamson hmm. Everything seems to be fine. I uograded to 35 and the issue still persists.

If you go to the terminal and type sudo journalctl -xe immediately after you “resume”, do you see any lines related to sleep? You can search backwards (it starts at the end when you run it like that) by typing ? <term>, so you can look for suspend or so.

I forgot to say. I reinstalled to the latest Fedora and now the problem does not exist. It seemed like it was due to outdated kernels.