Framework NixOS (Linux) users self-help

The option type for boot.kernelParams indicates this should be possible as long as it adheres to the regex, which is basically spaces only inside double quotes. How are you formatting it? I would think this should work:

    boot.kernelParams = [ ''acpi_osi="!Windows 2020"'' ];

Ugh brain hurts but learning so much about NixOS. Have a 12th gen intel framework right now and trying to see just how far I can get since I can far more rapidly iterate and customize with Nix (I love arch but after a few months when I want to try something else reproducing it is to much of a pain.)

I have a few full builds done now but I am trying to start down the path of customizing it to my framework and adding in all the security stuff I feel like no distro does right easily and reproducible (sane secure-boot enforcement & TPM2 backed full disk encryption).

I get to the point where I have set up all of the resources and it errors out when processing:
options = [ “subvol=root” “compress=zstd” “noatime” ];

the config expects [ "subvol; and doesnt like the = for root or any other subvol. Made me laugh that its just defining subvolume labels it was having a problem parsing.

I almost feel it would be easier to differ kjhoerr’s work, but I don’t feel like I am quite ready for full flakes and wrapping up my home in home-manager. (I feel like customizing the hardware and getting all the security stuff the way I want it first is a better plan).

It will be fun to see what the configurations are like for those on the Zen 4 boards, when they drop.

I felt the same way when I started with NixOS about a year and a half ago, and it took about a year to come around on using flakes and home manager. Personally I think you should take your time, I think it’s worth it - it’s certainly mind-boggling starting out but eventually I felt more stable in making changes and figured out where I wanted to play around with and change my configuration in different ways.

Is that copied directly? Because those are special double quotes which may be messing things up

agreed. My challenge is I am not a coder, I am more process oriented and an End User Computing person. Once you start going into the complexity of nesting and cross referencing things my eyes can start glassing over for a bit. Nix with flakes takes you out of that scripting mindset and throws you into some of the deep end of coder, but without the solid tools and documentation because its still a work in progress.
That being said NixOS is the first linux OS to excite me since Arch. Targeted and strategic immutable os is pretty much the first design of a linux OS I could see for wide spread use in a corp environment from an end user perspective. Fedora and Ubuntu are ok, but when a user kills their OS the rebuild causes most people to shut down. Windows and Mac OS can be done through muscle memory, but people despise it. And Apple is so enterprise hostile its amazing.
I think NixOS might be a few years away from being useful with decent tools and workarounds to make a real good middle ground people can define and then make sub-distros out of targeting various niches (Kinda like how Valve took Arch for the Steam Deck).

I fixed it Monday but didn’t have time to update. TLDR it was an issue with the LVM example I copied from an article. I decided to just go without the LVM since I dont need a swap and everything started working.

Eventually I want to get it so someone can just clone another version of my repo and have a basic Gnome NixOS install after a little partition setup. TPM2 for storage decryption, secure boot, add in your hardware flake reference, and tweak the super stripped down list of packages I am going to propose in the example repo.
But yah. 80% of everything can be installed as flatpak or appimage with the remaining 20% being system and a few user apps (still need to wrap my brain around how I will do portmaster and a few other tools). Will make it super interesting if I can get it going good enough I can wrap this up as golden VM images and automate it as dynamic instant clones. Spin up hundreds of NixOS sessions per hour with a half dozen files, some CLI, and a dynamic entitlement. The EUC dream. :wink:


Dropping this here for Fingerprint readers:

Anyone got fw-fanctrl running? Tried to create a nixpkgs, but i’m still a to big beginner atm

I found the following which seems to work fine:


Thanks alot, don’t know, why i wasn;t finding it on github. Was mostly look for the ectool GitHub - ssddq/fw-ectool

Hiya, author of this repo here. Just stumbled upon this thread, cool to see that some people seem to find the packaging of fw-fanctrl helpful :slight_smile:

If you encounter any problems I’d appreciate it if you could open an issue on Github. I’m not very experienced with packaging software for Nix, so any feedback or tips would be great!


What xkbmodel should I set for the US english keyboard? My media keys (other than volume up/down/mute) don’t produce correct/any output, and I believe that’s the cause.

Hi everyone! Feel free to read my daily driver

Ping me if you need any help it seems like I might have experience.


A few of the most complete nix documentation I rely on:

I don’t know if this is correct place but since this looks like an open discussion of nix over framework laptop, I’m asking for inputs on a new RFC I recently made:

Any public opinion matters!

Thank you :smiley:

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I could probably use some help if anyone is willing. I installed NixOS on my 13" and didn’t even think to check the forums here. But I basically have the single config file. Haven’t delved into flakes yet. Was thinking that may just complicate things more before I got a grasp of how everything works.

But I’ve been having a bunch of issues.

The system wont auto-boot. It shows the generations but doesn’t select one automatically even though those settings weren’t modified in configuration.nix.

I cannot get my egpu working with my 3090 no matter what I try. System always gets all jerky and low frame rates even when setting it up as prime. And offload doesn’t work.

I am thinking about doing a new install to see if that fixes any issues. Which is what made me come and and search to see if anyone else has been using NixOS.

So if anyone has some time I could probably use some help doing it a better way this time around. :smiley:

Fingerprint won’t work in NixOS even with hardware config file in NixOS-hardware

Someone please make a script for NixOS that clears the fingerprints I beg lol

@Matt_Hartley had linked this post above where you can use a flake:

I think it worked? The storage being cleared part of it.

Below are the additional lines I set this morning into /etc/nixos/configuration.nix (and rebooted) when I was at 95% battery. After logging back in, loading up all my usual apps in gnome40, I shut the lid and when opening again 7+ hours later was at 88%. This is a huge improvement for me as before I’d have found it at 20% if lucky.

  # Ensures lid-close leads to a sleep I actually expect, that doesn't drain my battery.
  # "S3" here refers to Suspend-to-Ram of Intel's si0x documentation:
  # Lines below taken from
  # Force S3 sleep mode. See for details.
  boot.kernelParams = [ "mem_sleep_default=deep" ];

Hope this helps someone else!