fTPM warning on FW13 amd ryzen 7840

Everything was and so far is still working. All i was facing is fTPM warning from Bios in the bootprocess, see attached picture.
I chose yes and everything booted up normal. Is this something usually happening or what might have triggered it?


Which Linux distro are you using? Fedora

Which release version?
(if rolling release without a release version, skip this question) 41 Kde spin

(If rolling release, last date updated?)

Which kernel are you using?

Which BIOS version are you using? 3.05

Which Framework Laptop 13 model are you using? (AMD Ryzen™ 7040 Series, Intel® Core™ Ultra Series 1, 13th Gen Intel® Core™ , 12th Gen Intel® Core™, 11th Gen Intel® Core™) AMD ryzen 7840u