FW16 Batch 14 Guild

I have my laptop setup and tried to load Kubuntu 24.04, but I ran into a black screen after second reboot which as it turns out is due to the boot splash and SDDM fighting for access to the GPU. This became an issue due to some performance fixes that now no longer wait for device settling before starting the login manager (SDDM).

So, I decided to put on Kubuntu 23.10 instead. I’ll upgrade to 24.04 LTS in the fall once they have all their ducks in a row first. Mostly everything works great out of the box on 23.10 anyhow and a Wayland session is available which makes the desktop fast and responsive.

First impressions? It is amazing, performant and the fans did not run as intense or as loud as I was expecting with all the complaints about them. The built in sound is somewhat lackluster IMHO because it sounds like someone put the speakers at the end of a hallway with a cloth in front of them. Fortunately 90% of the time I intend to use Bluetooth, which I must say is great.

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Gotta love the community here. After some searching on sound quality I ran into this page. It is a workaround, but it works great nonetheless for making the built in speakers actually sound good.