I have been charged my full amount to my card, but I never got any email past Step 2

My preorder for batch 21 was just charged and on my bank and the website I see that I no longer owe anything for the device. But I never got the Step 3 email and or the Step 4 email saying that the payment was confirmed (Step 3) or the tracking number (Step 4). The website shows I owe nothing but still says “Batch 21 - Ships June” instead of a date. The cancel button is greyed out, which means it should be in fulfillment.
I tried contacting support 2 days ago with no response, normally they have a faster turn around.
Can anyone form past batches/Framework support tell me if this is normal or not? I am just worried, the laptop is by no means cheap.

My Card got charged on the 12th. Also Batch 21. And I also didn’t get an update email (step 3 or 4). So yeah I feel you, but shipping should be Soon™

Same here, charged, but no communication. Hopefully we get them by next weekend

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I’m in batch 20, my credit card got charged the 7th, so a week ago. Likewise, no confirmation. Was going to post this exact same question.

I added an expansion card to my order through customer support, which they clearly stated was not going to have any further effect on the order.
At the same time, I got an general newsletter saying that the 16 was now “in stock”…

Don’t want to be impatient (but I am a bit :slight_smile: ), but I also would like some kind of confirmation that everything is normal and no intervention is needed…

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Just found out that you can go on the Fedex site, search using your Framework order number as reference (not tracking number) and then also fill in your postal code.

I did this using my order number and postal code and found that a package is being shipped from Taiwan to where I live. Guess my laptop is on its way :slight_smile: .

Weird that I never received any email from Framework, but sharing here so maybe others in the same situation can find some peace of mind the same way…

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This guy just got his, and never got any shipping notice. FW16 Batch 20 Guild - #227 by Mike_Velez

Maybe yours is on the truck for later today?

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Well I guess it is mute now, they went straight from Step 2 to Step 4 and I just got a tracking number at 3:20PM my time

And after finding the tracking code for my package this way, a couple of hours later I received the shipping email from Framework. Guess they are just behind on their notification emails…