Implementation of swapable dvd roms

Would you consider room for a dvd rom in a future laptop design. I feel that it would incentivize more people to spend the money on the laptops.

There is no room for a DVD drive in the Framework 13. Also, very few people use these anymore.


DVD drives are not commonplace anymore due to their very low desirability by consumers. If you have a use case that requires one, a portable external drive can be picked up inexpensively.


Is there some use that still uses dvds often enough to warrant spending all that volume on an internal one?

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I don’t think there’s any reason to waste all that volume on a DVD drive. Instead you could get a 1TB expansion card and store around 150 DVDs worth of ISO files on them. Or just store the files directly. If we’re talking about movies, modern codecs such as opus and AV1 compress much better than mpeg2, which is the format used on DVDs.

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Preaching to the wrong person here, I am genuinely curious about the use case of a dvd drive here.

More often than not there has been an interesting niche use cases between requests that looked pretty rediculous on the surface.

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