Intel 12th Gen Batch 4 guild

I also got my “preparing to ship” email. I was expecting later in the month so it was a nice surprise.
I have updated the spreadsheet.


Yes indeed!

Reading the tea leaves from the stats tab in the spreadsheet, the median time to the payment step (i.e. between steps 3 & 4) is only one day, but 3rd quartile is 3.25 - so I think we can could expect that maybe by Tuesday morning (since I assume the difference is basically 1 day during the week, or 3 days over the weekend?). Then median time after payment to shipping is only three days.

So perhaps pretty doable to see it shipped next week? Very exciting! :smiley:


Another Australian order; not got the magic email yet, and my RAM and SSD are doing a cross country trip thanks to AusPost… (Scorptec have compatible RAM and SSDs locally)

DIY 1260 + adaptor + 2xUSB-C +1x USB-A + 1x HDMI (Which I’m now 2nd guessing and might change to another USB-C)

Delay on my side might be the English keyboard specified, so we’ll wait and see.

(Also Paddler on the Spreadsheet)


“Payment complete”, “Your order is shipping soon” email received this morning. :smile:

I’ve never been so happy to see my credit card balance so depleted :laughing:.


@mjog Bang on the money!

Haha same here; spent so much this month already and we’re only in the first week.

Does anyone know where our orders will ship from? Had a look on the FAQ but nothing leapt out at me.


From what I’ve been reading on this site I believe the units ship directly out of Taiwan where they are manufactured.

Edit: a post from the batch 3 guild thread noting the tracking info shows Taiwan.

Got my payment taken email, and my money is gone. Not long until it ships now, hopefully.


Shipped direct from Taiwan on a pallet with 100-150 laptops into Australia (or US or France) via FedEx where the pallet should be broken down at Sydney.

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Also, the spreadsheet isn’t very reliable according to Twist so do not make estimations off of it.

Maybe not a bad idea geting one more USB port due to the issue noted above with the display modules draining the battery a bit - although there’s a beta firmware out for those now which may address the issue, so maybe not a big one?

Well that depends on how much credence you put into frequentist statistics, doesn’t it? It’s definitely a biased sample of the Framework customer base as a whole, and probably a bit out of date, but it’s better than nothing and preopably pretty representative of the forum and discord dwelling population. :wink:


Here’s another Australian future framework owner. Spreadsheet updated.


Hello all!!

I ordered a 12th gen DIY 1260p on the 01/10 for the UK market. Went for a Kingston KC3000 SSD and 2x16GB Crucial memory from a different source.

Have yet to receive any updates, other than the initial pre-order email which states Batch 4 ships in October.

Fingers crossed the wait will not be long.


I ordered on 1/9 (for Australia), I got my step 4 email that said the payment went through and it said it’d ship in 1-3 business days 3.5 days ago. Hopefully it ships later today or early next week I guess


Same for me @Meachie. I also got email saying it would ship in 1-3 business days just over 3 days ago. Maybe it will ship today :thinking:, but I suppose I can wait a little longer.

(Edit) Just got my shipment email!, estimated delivery Wednesday next week.


I just got my shipment email, thursday next week is when it arrives


Yes, same here, I just got the shipping email as well. Due Thursday October 13th. :tada: :grin:


Yah just got my shipment email too! Delivery slated for Thurs 13th. :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:



Friday 14th for me :blush:


Nothing for me yet… suspect my request for a British English keyboard may be holding my order up…

Getting very jealous of those who have their ETA’s now… and my HDD and RAM have finally arrived after a trip across Australia…

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