Logging in to the web-site *stinks*

I see you’re new to the security scene.

You’re right about the second part…doesn’t make them smarter. They already are.

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I’m the newest.
This doesn’t make you better or superior.

Never claim to be. We can both be new.

People take offend for pointing out as new. When / if new is a fact, why get offended? It’s ok to learn about things, to grow. Take the ego out of the equation, learning means you’re growing.


Now, going back to the question of source code of the plugins…if you must.

You already have them in the plugin xpi files.


More info here:


My mum said similar things to me over the years as well. She also taught me to be proud about being new. It means we’re exploring, getting out of our comfort zone…

Also, this perspective might help:
If someone look down on you, that’s on them.
If you get offended easily, that’s on you.

Having thick skin goes a long way.


If Captcha is a must, would Framework consider alternatives to Google’s reCAPTCHA?


Use anti-fingerprint plugins to prevent your hardware information to fall into wrong hands. recapcha tracks your mouse movement to identify whether the user is a human, what you actually click doesn’t matter, so you can actually click random pictures to not to train their AI for free.