Mystery Box

Looks like it was a complete bust. Neither mainboard or display seem to work. I think one of the input modules (keyboard / touchpad) seem to work better. One mainboard melted the plastic to the left of the heatsink. The other one has some lights that come on, and they seem to be flashing different colors. I’ll assume this is a code you can look up… But being color blind, I won’t get to find out. I did order a new mainboard. One of the lids has a heavy duty bend in it, so I’ll not use it unless I have to.
Oh well, live and learn.

what mainboard generation did you get?

I’m not entirely sure. I assume Gen11 because they require DDR4. The date on the back is 2021-08-05 for both mainboards. Model number for both is FRANFG0000.

I hope that’s helpful. If there’s some other info from it you would like, let me know.


Is the melted plastic the same thing seen here?


YES. it’s exactly like that. Mine might be a little more melted through.

I’d be interested in buying the boards if you wanna sell em…

Are these available outside of the US?
I got a FW13 in batch 3 and then moved away.
This option is awesome as a first tinkerer for a laptop. If any part is bad you can order that specific part and have a cheap laptop.

Is there a chance that we will get mystery boxes in europe?

I’m currently working on DIY stuff and it would be great to have some broken/slightly damaged parts to try things out without destroying my working computer :slight_smile:

The used market of framework computers here in germany is rather small :slight_smile: