Is it worth making a dedicated subreddit related to framework and nixos called something like r/framework_nixos?
I personally don’t want to make it as I dont want to mod… but I think the reddit format would be better suited to sharing configs / discussions over a forum based…where most of the discussion is in a few threads what do you guys think?
Here is my current NixOS config:
My config is flake based, has the following:
On nixos-unstable (shifted from nixos 23.11)
Plasma 6
Home-Manager with Plasma-manager
Looking to fix or add the following to my config:
- Speaker audio was louder in my initial nixos config.
Its quieter now be default. Not sure how to fix? - Charging via a powerbank does not charge at a decent rate. PowerBank is brand new: Anker 737. Replaced, same issue.
Charges at 88W when powered off, much lower when framework on (0-4w).
Error on bootup if powerbank is connected:
ucsi_acpi USBC000:00: unknown error 256
ucsi_acpi USBC000:00: con3: failed to register partner alt modes( -5)
dmesg, last boot log: Warp - Not sure how to set a wallpaper. Tried multiple ways and all have failed so far.
- Replace SSDM theme to sugar dark but hitting issues, raised an issue on vimjoyers github project related to video here:
sddm-theme sugar dark issues · Issue #2 · vimjoyer/theming-video · GitHub - Need to move to a more module based NixOS config
Any suggestions or questions around my config or solutions to my issues are welcome.
didn’t realize I had to run:
fwupdmgr refresh
fwupdmgr get-updates
fwupdmgr update
I am now on bios 3.03. I get less dmesg spam but still get:
UCSI_GET_PDOS failed (-70)
Looking at the framework 13 threads, apparently this is a known framework issue where the kernal can’t negotiate over usb properly and I don’t see a fix? This is pretty bad in my opinion if I can’t use a power bank.
Relevant post in thread: