Oh no! That crash has eaten my Linux installation!

I had two of these hard crashes about a week ago, and yes, one of them left the machine unbootable (but salvageable by booting from a flash drive and running fsck.ext4), and the other ate my Chromium profile and one git repository (which resulted in one directory that can be only renamed but not deleted; but I can’t be bothered to reinstall…)

I had a 9 day streak without those hard crashes after updating to BIOS 3.05, so I would recommend you to do that first. But you will also need to update your AMD GPU firmware, because neither stable, Trixie or Sid have a version that is recent enough to fix all known issues.

I thought I updated my firmware weeks ago, but after one more “soft” crash yesterday (GPU crash only, i.e., the system is still running and accessible over SSH, so does it not result in FS damage), I found out I needed to update initrd to actually make the replaced firmware load during boot, as described here:

Today I updated the “InstallingDebianOn” guide for AMD 7040 series Framework, you can take a look at that as well:

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