I couldn’t try connecting the Sony PSVR2 adapter directly to the dGPU since I didn’t have a USB-C to DisplayPort 1.4 cable. I also confirmed that the USB-C port on the back of the RX 7000 series card in the Framework 16 will never support the PSVR2 directly without the Sony powered adapter since it requires a technology called VirtualLink that apparently only existed on the AMD Radeon RX 6000 series and the Nvidia GeForce RTX 20xx series cards and they never implemented it again so sadly the dGPU being an RX 7000 series won’t ever support it directly.
I ordered this USB-C to DP 1.4 cable from Amazon (https://amzn.to/4dQBM4Y) yesterday for ~$15 and it just showed up today so I could test connecting the DP port on the Sony PSVR2 adapter directly to the USB-C dGPU port on the back of the Framework 16 laptop to see if it resolved my issues.
I’m happy to report that this USB-C to DP 1.4 cable resolves 100% of the VR issues that I was fighting with yesterday! Now when I open the PSVR2 setup app to configure your VR Room Environment you can see everything through the headset and complete setup correctly. I can also confirm that now every game starts on the dGPU and displays properly in the VR headset along with the Steam Environment and the Sony PSVR2 Room Setup app which didn’t happen before since the room setup would try to run on the dGPU and not be visible through the headset while SteamVR would run on iGPU and be visible through the headset and games would run on iGPU making them visible through the VR headset but they would run super slow. Now everything opens on the dGPU that is VR related and you never see that pesky warning on Steam VR Monitor saying you’re VR headset isn’t connect to the right GPU anymore.
I’m also happy to report that the other big issue I had was resolved where the Framework 16 laptop screen would be blank when you resume from sleep or boot/reboot the Laptop while the PSVR2 Adapter DP cable was connected to the DP 1.4 module on the side of the laptop. When the Sony PSVR2 adapter is connected to the USB-C to DisplayPort 1.4 cable plugged directly into the dGPU the laptop resumes from sleep and boots into window with the laptop screen staying on and the primary display which is the expected behavior. Honestly, this cable solved every issue I had.
I really hope people find this thread before they tear their hair out like I did trying to figure out why their VR headset connected to the DP 1.4 port module on the side of their Framework 16 laptop could only display things running on the iGPU, and not the dGPU despite the laptop screen itself clearly showing the VR game/app in a preview window regardless of which GPU it was running on. Also, it was strange that Windows would run some VR apps like the Steam VR home room on iGPU but then would run the Sony PSVR2 setup on the dGPU. Now with the PSVR2 plugged into the dGPU on the back of the laptop with the new cable everything VR related runs on the dGPU and you can even confirm this by adding the “3D Engine” column under task manager process details and looking at all the VR processes which is how I was able to determine which GPU things were running on while experimenting yesterday trying to get the DP 1.4 Module to work with the Sony PSVR2 properly.
I’m not sure if this would be possible but it would be great if Framework could somehow figure out how to allow the end user to select which GPU they would like as their primary GPU and that would be the one that outputs though the DP 1.4 port module on the side of the unit. Or, even better yet, an option in UEFI setup that would just let you select which GPU is output to which DP/HDMI module on the side of the laptop. I’m not quite sure if this is possible the way things are routed but it never hurts to ask. However, there is a workaround to this entire problem by just buying a $15 cable that works like an absolute dream. The only drawback is that you can’t play games on the iGPU to save power in VR once you connect to the dGPU USB-C port just like you couldn’t play on the dGPU while connected to the DP module on the side. I don’t see this as a big problem though since most VR games need more power than the iGPU provides to run optimally and you already have to plugin the Sony PSVR2 adapter since it requires 12v power to run the HMD so wherever you’re playing VR you’ll have to be near power anyways so you might as well just plugin the Framework laptop also, right?
I can now say I’m 100% happy with my PSVR2 experience so far on my Framework 16 now that I’ve figured out that I needed this $15 USB-C to DisplayPort 1.4 cable (https://amzn.to/4dQBM4Y) connected to the USB-C port on the back of the laptop running directly off the dGPU (Radeon RX 7700HX). Also, the other plus side is that with this USB-C to DP 1.4 cable you can plug in another external DP monitor when you’re not using VR and then you can use the DP/HDMI module on the side of your Framework 16 to run a secondary external monitor if you want to use your laptop as a desktop workstation when at home. Actually, now I’m wondering just how many external screens you could run with this thing in theory if you got creative with modules & USB-C thunderbolt hubs?
TL;DR Section
- Buy this USB-C to DisplayPort 1.4 cable (https://amzn.to/4dQBM4Y)
- Buy this Sony PSVR2 PC adapter (Buy PlayStation®VR2 PC Adapter | PlayStation® (US))
- Connect USB-C to DisplayPort 1.4 cable between the USB-C port on the back of your Framework 16 laptop (NOT SIDE MODULE) and your PSVR2 Adapters Displayport
- Open Steam and install SteamVR App
- Also Install Playstation VR2 App while in Steam
- Run Playstation VR2 App and follow all directions on screen
If you followed these steps then your PSVR2 should be working perfectly and fully utilizing your AMD Radeon RX 7000HX series dGPU in your Framework 16 laptop instead of the iGPU which will be used if you try to plug DP from PSVR2 adapter into one of the DisplayPort modules on the side of the laptop. You’ll also notice that your Laptop will now resume from sleep and boot into Windows without any black screen issues which occur when you try to run PSVR2 off DP 1.4 module on side of Framework 16 laptop.