Questions purchasing a factory second

Does it come with a bezel (black is fine) or do I need to purchase one? I don’t see where it does not, thanks.

What’s in the box

  • Framework Laptop 13 DIY Edition
  • Input Cover (pre-assembled)
  • Bezel (pre-assembled)
  • Framework Screwdriver

@Destroya More questions:
Interested in the Factory Seconds Framework Laptop 13 DIY Edition (11th Gen Intel® Core™) - i7-1165G7 B-stock ($499).

  1. What version of the lid does it come with?
  2. Do the original speakers only sound too low with the 11th Gen?
    a. In other words, if i were to upgrade to any future motherboards, which should I get - original or new speakers?
  3. Is the RTC battery substitution kit installed?
    a. If not, will it come with the RTC battery substitution for me to install?

If I recall, it’s a free part, but need to reach out to support for it. However, since I’m ordering net-new, can it be included with the order (one less thing to ship after sales) at least if it’s not already pre-installed?

I already have a FW16 and love it. Just looking for this as a experimental machine I can also take on longer trips, so it doesn’t have to be “the best”. I already ordered the refurbished expansion card kit and looking for another FW laptop to use it on, lol. Ass backwards, I know.

Hoping in time I will upgrade the screen, motherboard/CPU, hinges, and battery - maybe in another couple generations.

I figure out the door for under $600 isn’t bad as a second laptop for now, and slowly upgrade if it ends up being my main machine.

It looks like it has the original 3.3kg hinges. I would assume that the lid is the original non-CNC version, but that’s just a guess. I expect that the RTC battery replacement module is not installed or included. If you are handy with soldering it’s not too bad, but the battery holder is extremely fragile and the soldering can go awry. I’ve done three, two were fine, one works but did not go perfectly.

Remember that you will have to supply the memory, ssd, wifi, power, and expansion cards (the last of which it sounds like you already have).

I have two 11th gen Intel 13" machines and both are going strong. Best of luck!

Edit to add - the 13" machines are much more portable than the 16". Thanks, captain obvious…

I got spare SSDs and DDR4 modules and since I side-graded my RZ616 to an AX210, I also have a wifi module (although I can only use it on 2.4 GHz or it will knock out my AP - see my previous posts).

Enough to getting this FW13 reasonably functional.

I’d still like official word from someone at Framework regarding the RTC battery substitution (I’m not the best at soldering, but I’ll manage), lid, and hinges. As I said, not a big deal if they are the original undesirable parts, but it’s good to know PRE-sale.

Oh and the speakers - I forgot about that… will edit my original post.

Not worried about the smaller battery because it’s mostly a 2nd machine unless I find myself using it as my main. I’d rather use it until it bloats or dies before replacing (the whole point of a repairable laptop!)

Awaiting @Destroya to respond to my original post.

it says on the page that the hinges are 3.3kg. For the rest, yes, good to get an official response. I have the mediatek in one of my 11th gen machines and it is working fine. I recall your other posts and yes, you will have to set it to 2.4ghz so that it does not kill your 5ghz.

Have a great day!

Would you mind sharing them? Your profile is private

Thanks :+1:

I’m not sure how to do that. I looked for the setting but can’t find it.

Here’s one of my posts:

And while not specifically for the issue, I mentioned it here:

And don’t ask me to find them, but I also posted on the Framework sub-reddit.

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Since I didn’t get an answer here, I PM’d @Destroya and got a response!

She encouraged me to put it here so it would answer other people who had the same questions.


I purchased a Factory Second laptop a while back and took the display panel off to check this. I am 100% positive it had the CNC pattern in the back cover. I am looking to buy another Factory Second laptop and now I’m concerned I may not get the same package? I’d love to get a follow up response on this from @Destroya.

If this is true, then that’s a major deal. The lid is a good $100 or so part. It’s actually just under, but still a significant cost relative to the whole.

CNC aluminum will always feel more premium than a stamped one - usually due to stamped parts being thinner. It may not help with the wiggle (that’s more of a hinge issue), but it should help with how it feels and how it resist flexes.

Did you get an A or B stock display? I’m interested to know if there are any noticeable issues or flaws on the B stock as I’m sure it varies.

Actually the CNC top cover is $10 less on Framework’s parts page.

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I can’t recall if I got an A stock or B Stock but I was very happy with the quality when I received it. I believe the only difference is the display anyway, and I plan to replace the display with the 2.8K display eventually, so I’m not worried about purchasing the B stock this time regardless.

It is but it isn’t. Look at what the CNC version and the stamped version includes.

Comes with the Antenna Module and Webcam Cable pre-installed.

Top Cover Kit includes the Antenna Module, Hinges, Webcam Module, and webcam cable, along with the Framework logo.

So you get hinges and webcam module (not just the webcam cable) on the original - so I think that would make up for the $10 difference.

The A stock is matte, and the B stock is glossy. That’s a quick way to find out.

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I got this info from the support team, if you received a kit with the wrong part please reach out to them

@Destroya The question was which lid the Factory Second laptop ships with “officially” because you said it was the original, but I ordered one and it was definitely the CNC version. I’d like to order another Factory Second but I’d also like to make sure it, also, will have the CNC lid rather then the original one that you said it “should” have.

Can you please check Zeddie’s message above and confirm which parts you have received with it? According to the information I have, it should come with the original lid, so if we provided wrong info here or if we sent you the wrong lid, we need to fix that (and if you wish to keep the CNC version, you can definitely keep it.


I am looking at the “Factory Seconds” FW13 11th gen.
Does anyone know if the RTC mod/fix will have been done, or will I have to do the difficult mod?

I’d presume no, unless FW customer service says otherwise. I’ve seen no mention that the RTC mod was done on them.

@Destroya recently answered the RTC question:

The RTC substitute is not preinstalled in any systems and isn’t included with all orders. However, any customer with an 11th Gen system can request one from our support team. I don’t think it’s possible to include it in the original package since they will be shipped from different locations.
