[RESPONDED] Etc/fstab broken and computer will not boot

  1. Yes, sincce the outputs of the two commands that had output were more than one screen full, I did a “sudo lsblk -l > lsblk.txt” to redirect the output to a text file. The plan was that rather then sending a number of screen shots, I would send a text file showing the output.
  2. the files where generated on the standard terminal
  3. see 1 above
  4. After the reboot I went into the home directory (where they were saved to begin with) and they were still there.
  5. Ahhh, maybe I should have saved the files to a different USB drive but that did not occur to me at the time, possiblt because I didn’t have another drive handy. Instead I attempted to connect to my NAS but could not get past the standard NAS authorization screen where you enter the password. It kept going back to a blank version every time)
    Yes, the USB drive that I thought the file was on was the drive that contained the ISO image. I assumed that since the files were still present after a reboot and since the internal drive was not accessible, the files had to be written to the thumb drive that was used for booting … but that drive did not have a standard linux file structure.
  6. The thumb drive is an old Ubuntu 22.?? version I keep around for emergencies. It would have been prepared by following the standard installer method although that was a long time ago so I do not recall the exact method. The thumb drive boots up just fine and gives you the choice of installing or trying Ubuntu. I went the ‘try Ubuntu’ way.

Yes, I could take a photo … will post when done.

My recipe for fixing a messed up /etc/fstab

  1. Boot into my other install or live environment
  2. Open terminal
  3. sudo mkdir -p /media/otherroot
  4. sudo mount /dev/?? /media/otherroot where ?? is the correct original partition, not sure which that is in your case from your screen shots
  5. sudo nano /media/otherroot/etc/fstab
  6. Comment out or edit the line that’s making it fail, or add nofail to the options set, or make sure the pass and dump are both zero
  7. Save
  8. Reboot to fixed original root

Another option might be to use the live environment to install rEFInd if your grub install truly is broken.

The problem with all of this is that the dud drive needs to be seen as being present. I can’t mount something that doesn’t exist. From what I understand, the system that was booted with the live Ubuntu thumb drive does not see the internal drive. I do not know if the drive is dead. I do not know if a drive will be recognized if the boot sector or grub is toast. The idea behind getting the external drive enclosure is to see if it can be recognized as a non booting USB storage device by a working computer.
Assuming nothing else is buggered up, if the drive is recognized then fixing /etc/fstab is trivial.
From the (very) little I have learned about rEFInd, it is of no help if I can’t see the drive at all. I need to mount the drive to talk to it but if I can’t see it I can’t mount it.

Well the drive is not readable in an external enclosure so I will be opening a ticket for it

I was going to say reseat it, but if you tried in an external enclosure, and it is a no go, it is fried.

Yup, it’s dead Jim … and I couldn’t find the Tricorder :slight_smile:
As it turns out, the drive is actually two years old, a WD SN850 so no Framework warranty. I don’t know how (or if) I can approach WD as this drive could have a 5 year warranty. Anybody tried WD for warranty?
The replacement drive is a Samsung 980 Pro.

Might be worth popping into here to see if there is anything helpful: