[RESPONDED] Mint on Framework 16?

Welcome to the community!

Linux Mint is not tested whatsoever with the FW 16 as stated on the landing page.

Unofficially from a ticketed support perspective, you will likely do “okay” with Linux Mint Edge, using the absolute latest kernel you can get your hands on. But you will be missing out on tweaks and improvements found here.

We welcome folks to use the distro that works best for them, but when they open a ticket for support, it will be requested we do testing against our supported/tested distros.


Understood. Will likely have Ubuntu and mint loaded so I can walk on the wild side a bit but flip back to Ubuntu if I have problems.
I have the luxury of not needing high performance or outstanding battery life at the moment. For me, this machine will be a toy and a way of supporting this worthy project.


I also installed Mint of my FW16 but I can’t get the touchpad to work. Did you have this problem?

Oh that’s really interesting - no I did not have this problem, touchpad worked “out of the box” for me

FWIW I have upgraded to a much more recent kernel than came installed initially (currently running 6.5.0-21) and have had no issues stemming from this

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I reinstalled using the EDGE iso and now everything works fine.


Now I am running into issues with using multiple displays. Mint doesn’t seem do play nice when trying to use multiple displace. It black screens on the lock screen. It will also think that displays are connected when they are not if you disconnect the display when it is suspended.

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From what I could find the weird lock screen issues are related to fractional scaling. To fix that issue, I changed the resolution to 1680x1050 and use 100% scale to be where I liked.

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It does seem like fractional scaling is causing weird issues.

Framework 16 with Linux Mint MATE user here (Batch 2). I’m late to the party, but spent several days distro-hopping until I found one that met my “special” needs, and Linux Mint MATE was it. For the record, the 16 does indeed boot with kernel 5.15…but suspend will be broken and the AMD iGPU (and, I presume, the dGPU when available) doesn’t get recognized. (Jumping to the latest 6.5 kernel addresses these issues.) Have tested most things successfully, other than video out (either from the dGPU or the side modules) and the fingerprint sensor (because reasons). There are a couple of minor quirks but I find the installation to be eminently usable as a daily driver.


glad to see others in the same boat. mainline Mint works ok for me, pretty happy with it. havent touched Linux in many years so its been an experience.

big issue im having is the AMD drivers had to be manually updated and it doesnt detect my dGPU no matter what i do

currently trying to update to the EDGE version to see if that fixes it, but if anyone has any other insights, they would be welcome.

Did you install the hwe Linux kernel


This will install the Ubuntu 22.04 6.5 kernel.

There are more hwe pacakges for newer hardware support.

Will try Linux Mint cinnamon myself, when it arrives in the next weeks. (Batch 4)

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installed Edge version from the Mint website, appears to have worked, since i can actually hear the GPU fans spinning up now, and i can run blender above 6fps

im not familiar enough with deeper system tools to get more information, but i think for now its fine.

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glxgears -info

available to you? Those should get you started, at least.

Didn’t look into it, just looked up Linux mint edge, only variant is the cinnamon version. Guess I’m installing that :grin:

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After a few more days of testing (Edge Cinnamon). Mint really struggles with multiple displays as well as waking from suspend.

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Hmmm. I am doing neither, so this may work for me.

Wanted to start a thread specifically for Linux Mint, to see what you all think and if anyone has actually installed it on their new FW16. Explaining Computers (yt channel) really enjoys Linux Mint and I trust his judgement. Thinking of doing dual boot of Linux Mint and windows when I receive my FW16 or just go straight up Linux Mint. I am an iPhone user so I’ll have to figure that whole thing out in Linux Mint but I am hopeful. (Do a shot every time you read Linux Mint-:joy:) Cheers, looking forward to your comments.

I am a Mint user, for now over 2 years. Dumped windows on 5 machines.

For the FW 16, word here is to use Linux Mint Edge version.
I am on batch 12, so it will be awhile…

My order was in batch 5, and I’ve received my 16 on Friday. I have put it together and installed it with Linux Mint Cinnamon 21.3 Edge. It’s working well, but two times (once yesterday and once today) the desktop has crashed. The Panel disappears then the whole desktop locks up, and I can’t shutdown, I end up powering off, then back on to recover. Mint is fully patched and up-to-date. Anyone else seeing this behavior?