[RESPONDED] Ubuntu 22.04 unable to launch some apps

Hi there, just for info I am running ubuntu 22.04 mate on 12th gen intel.
with oem kernel 6.1. It is very stble.
For advanced soft needing up to date soft like OBS I use the snap packages that works muuuuch better than any PPA stuf that brakes all the time.
Running steam too, without any problem

There is a web page on framework explaining how to setup your system under linux. I did a clone of a thinkpad hardrive booted and followed the setps

My experiance under ubuntu is as smooth as with my previous thinkpad

The downside is that snaps, flatpack and appimage, to my knowledge, all contain their own dependencies. This will lead to you having many copies of a particular library or other dependency on your machine and (in some cases) duplicates of these running depending on what applications you are using.

Thanks for feedback!
I’m not having problems with Steam but with the games inside Steam, seems many of them break when attempting to launch.
It happened similar with Visual Code so I decided to install Codium from using apt and it works, launches much faster and it does not ask me for root privileges at starting, so I’m quite happy with the switch.
About gaming, I’ll take a look whenever I have a bit of time and try again with Steam from the apt sources.

I understand the need of isolating a bit more some packages, but I would not make it a rule if I were the one to decide how my Linux distro installs software, I believe there is still chance to break things, and in my system it happened… also now thinking about layers of abstraction here my mental diagram on how some games are running on Ubuntu:
Steam, snapped, having its own libs,
Proton, having its own libs as well, just because Steam provides them and is a snap,
Game itself, emulated via Proton, adding on top a new layer.
On my head this is so easy to break… and on top this also calls GPU drivers, emulated OS calls and also we need to add here the snapped story.

You did enable proton (“Steam Play” under Compatibility in the settings now, I think), right?

Maybe the games are not compatible: https://www.protondb.com/

Yes, of course… otherwise they would have never work… they stop working by the time I started the post. And I was able to play fully (also multiplayer) for a while, then just campaign and finally not even launcing (I’m talking about AoE II DE). I suspect that some libs have changed on the game after a heavy update (they released a huge DLC) since then the multiplayer complained about desync after a few minutes. I could suspect at that time that something that the game needs was not anymore on my system… maybe a kernel update? maybe they updated the GPU calls and now they are not supported on Ubuntu 22.04? who knows… I’ll give a try to the apt version in a few days!

It could also be helpful to try and run the game from command line - this often gives some kind of output on error which can be useful.

The path to the game files should be available somewhere in game properties. Just type the direct path to the executable in terminal and see what comes back.

yep, up there in another comment someone suggested to use the steam cmd directly, for this I saw some steps I would follow if the .deb does not work (still not able to give it a try…)

snap, snap, snap, snap… (say so with the same emphasis Monthy Python did with the spam sketch). Seems Valve is not happy with them.

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