[RESPONDED] Unable to install any version of manjaro linux on brand new framework 13 amd

When I try to install any version of manjaro (newest to 21.0.0 in both kde and xfce spins) with a bootable USB, I get a error saying “boot failed”. It doesnt even get to grub, just immediately says boot failed.
I have not disabled secure boot in BIOS as I could not find the option under security.
If there’s any advice of help y’all could share it would be very much appreciated!

Hi @Bluexky ,
welcome to the forums :slight_smile:
Is this with Intel? or with AMD?

Thank you for replying! It is the amd 78400U version of the framework laptop 13

For the AMD, try it (again?) with F2 during boot. This should open a menu to disable Secure Boot according to the following post:

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i am so stupid. … i was looking under security and didnt see that whole part for secure boot