[RESPONDED] What is the best way to dual boot Linux (Fedora or Pop OS) with Windows?

Of course, kvm is a builtin to linux kernel.

Would you mind explaining how to install it? QuickGUI provides no instruction on how to install it on other distros besides Ubuntu.

Thanks, I’m not the most technical Linux user.

I’m just using the cli version, quickget <search> quickget os version to pull the images, and then use a simple script like my custom vml to launch the vm fuzzzily searching it, like vml win it’ll find all VMs starting with win put a prompt where I can do up down for selection, and hitting enter will open that one. Be sure to increase the RAM/cores, also tpm on windows, it should run as fast as it would on hardware.

tpm="on"  # windows only

I’m not much sure about gui frontend, I’m off from gui stuffs as much as possible actually…

Just to add a few points:

It’s possible to use your “physical” installation of Windows within a VM running on Linux [1] - I’ve done this on a few computers with VirtualBox, but not with KVM, sorry!

I’ve dual-booted Windows 10 with Linux a number of times by pre-partitioning with fdisk (or whatever), then installing Windows, then Linux (including bootloader, with the option for booting Windows), for example:

fdisk /dev/sda
250M, t01: EFI (One dracut image + vmlinuz-linux costs just shy of 100M.)
016M, t10: Windows Reserved
500M, t14: Windows Recovery
size, t11: Windows
size, t30: Linux (LVM) (Or t20, 23, whatever.)

The Windows installer is smart enough to subsequently recognise its partitions, format them and install to them.

If encryption is desired on both OSes (which might kneecap the chance to VM-passthrough the “physical” install): I’d recommend installing Linux with LUKS as desired, optionally setting up Clevis etc for TPM decryption, then switching to Windows and setting up BitLocker. This keeps BitLocker happy, as nothing TPM-side changes after it’s enabled. Lemme know if anyone wants me to Pastebin my cheatsheet for this!

[1] VirtualBox - ArchWiki

Is it possible to have two EFI partitions, one for each OS, then select the boot OS in BIOS similar to selecting an external USB drive for booting?

pretty sure the answer to that is ‘no’, there can only be one efi partition (possibly per physical disk, possibly per system, not sure on that point)

Nothing to contribute on the FPR front as Peter covered it.

I will say, use Fedora - we test against Fedora 39 for AMD. Pop has never internally touched our AMD hardware is completely untested and would be customer supported.

Dual-booting Windows with Linux will be customer supported as we do not test against that as it would be nightmare fuel to attempt to support it officially. Both operating systems are fine, but, they dual-boot together well until something goes wrong…and troubleshooting is a mess to do remotely.

My personal approach, I VM Windows as needed. I run Fedora as my full time distro on my Framework Laptop 13 AMD Ryzen 7040 Series.

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