[SOLVED] Broken screen issue - Framework support is not responding to my e-mails

Hi James3!

The flag was set for Poland (even my payment was in Polish currency), and also my bank and delivery address were in Poland. That’s why I was so surprised when it didn’t work.

I would like to tell that to FW support but the problem is they don’t respond to me.

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Hopefully you will hear from them before ‘their Friday’ ends :slight_smile:

Did you receive automated responses just saying that your email was received?
Are you using a major email provider, like gmail? There have been cases of people having problems with self-hosted email setups or small-business in-house run email.

It is possible but unlikely. It’s possible if a customer is abusive, then customer service agents may disengage. Hopefully that wouldn’t apply to you.

OK Given it is the weekend that may slow or even stop responses…
The best option is to send a private message to one of the Framework team, whether you choose to do that today or late Sunday, for an early Monday pickup is up to you…Of course they may be reeling for a 4th July hangover.

Try this
Burger menu top right > Users Framework Community

Under [all groups] top right on the main page you have two choices


There is one contact under [Framework Support] you may like to try.

All the best

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Hey MJ1!

Yes, I have received automated response to every e-mail. But it just stopped there. And yes - I am using Gmail. I wasn’t abusive or rude in any way, non of those things :slight_smile:

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Thank You amoun! I will try to do it then.

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I believe Destroya, whom Amoun pinged, is currently the most active of the Framework team on the forum here. And he helps with customer issues.

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Therefore I will have to wait untill he responds on this thread. In the meantime I will try to contact that person that amoun was suggesting. Any tips on how can I send a private message to him? I don’t see any “buton” to do that when I click on his profile :thinking:

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Ehhhh, looks like you can’t at the moment. I see you listed as Trust Level Zero / “new user”. Looks like you need a few more posts read in order to reach Trust Level 1, at which time private messaging should become available.

Click any thread, and read / scroll past 6 posts, and that should get you there. Presuming Framework has the standard settings for Trust Levels.

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I think it is a popular annual leave time for them also. I am aware of a few of them on leave at the moment.

I see, thanks!

Well, it seems I’ll have to wait a bit longer then. Thanks for the info.

Have just sent a private message on your behalf and copied it to you.

Take care


Thanks a lot amoun! I really appreciate Your help :slight_smile:

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Please do not do this. Framework does not provide official support through the community forums.

Feel free to post publicly, and there is a chance that the Framework team will see it, but reaching out to Framework staff via unsolicited DMs is not a support method and will not result in additional assistance.


Morpheus is 100% right here, we do not provide support via forums. I try to review the complaints and issues mentioned in the forums (or Discord and Reddit) as much as possible so we can improve our processes but I’m not even a part of the support team :wink:

That being said, it’s very unusual that you have not received any response for this long from the team, I’ll try to understand what went wrong here, thanks for letting me know.

(also, sorry to hear about your broken display)


Yes I understood that. I was just trying to console the OP by ensuring you saw his post, not to actually support the problem via the Forum.

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Hello everyone. I have been contacted by Framework support today. It seems that my problem have been positively resolved and now I am able to make a payment.

a) it turned out that a few months ago, when I was buying my FW Laptop 13, system recognized one my payment attempts as “false billing” and blocked my account. And it was because back then Poland wasn’t already supported by Framework and my payment attempt was from Polish account (if I understood correctly).

b) they didn’t respond me for so long because my messages have been somehow improperly routed by their system so they weren’t even on a “pending” list.

Thank You everyone for help, and especially You amoun :slight_smile:

Have a great day everyone!


Asking for a bump on a support ticket is asking for support. The FW team is very much aware of posts requiring their attention, through browsing the forums and through internal communications. If it is something they can help with, they will do so in the public post. Bottom line, do not send unsolicited DMs to Framework staff. Thank you for your cooperation.


Glad you got it sorted! Hope you’re enjoying your Framework other than the broken display!

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