[SOLVED] Quality control concerns, two sets of defective hinges, and other issues

This is not an issue of preference. I would ask that you watch the video recordings in my original post, where I demonstrate that the hinges are not just looser than my preference. Both sets of hinges I received could not physically hold the screen in place, while completely stationary on a table.

That’s why it’s so absurd to me that customer support suggest that I buy the 4kg hinge as the solution to my problem. Because it’s essentially an admission from them that the 3.3kg hinge does not meet the basic requirement of holding the screen in place.

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I don’t dispute that the hinges that you have are faulty, so you’re right, and I should have worded that better. The rest of the points stand.


I guess if there are a bunch of failures then that will be the time to see if they standing behind their product.

I really don’t understand why the the 3.3Kg hinges continue to be offered. They should be EOL immediately and 4.0Kg shipped as standard from now on. On top of that, FW should support customers beyond the warranty period if customers aren’t obviously abusing the machine and parts fail before the expected lifetime, irrespective of warranty period. I understand hinges are a wear item and so have different expectations regarding lifetime of a screen or motherboard (or touchpad) but 1 year is awfully short, especially when other laptop brands are clearly doing better. I’m still in my honeymoon period (may it never end) but I hope these issues do not crop up for me.

@Daniel_Power Not sure if you want them or not but I purchased the 4.0kg hinges along with the laptop because of these threads. So I have an essentially unused pair of 3.3kg hinges. If you are willing to cover the cost of postage, they’re yours (or anyone else who wants them tbh).


I replaced my hinges immediately upon arrival. I was unwilling to deal with a loose hinge from the get go. They really need a redesign. I have little faith that I won’t be replacing these at least every three years…pretty bad when I have ten year old ThinkPads with their original hinges


Agreed, my guess is:

  1. Making the 4.0kg standard essentially acknowledges the 3.3kg were not suitable and would make them liable to everyone asking for the replacement at FW’s cost.

  2. The 3.3kg hinges when in the top end of spec. (closer to 3.8kg) are suitable, makes sense to me given the 4.0kg are 3.5-4.5kg and there have not been complaints about those.

  3. The stronger hinges put additional stress on the lid and might be considered a potential risk of lid damage.

I feel the “best fix” would be to tighten the accepted spec range for the hinges and/or redesign the hinges. A closed knuckle or open knuckle which is fastened to the main body of the hinge giving user adjustment as a side benefit, even a small jubilee style clip could help.

@GhostLegion Long may your honeymoon continue, mine lasted a few days


I still have a 20 year old Dell, and a 16 year old Toshiba etc. I’ve never had hinges fails, although one of those on the Dell is stiffer. I haven’t dropped a laptop in that time.

The issue with the hinges is the desire to have a one hand opening, hence the 3.3Kg hinges. If Framework dropped that feature thern they could dispense with the 3.3Kg and make the 4K standard.

However given the relatively cheap design a hinge with adjustable torque would cover both cases.


Same here!

Not sure if this is the reason, I recall a user posting they can still one hand open with the 4.0kg hinges :person_shrugging:


Yes given the 4Kg scope of 3.5Kg to 4.5 they may well have as the one hand opening should work at the top end of the 3.3Kg which is 3.8Kg.

I’d hate the lower end of 2.8Kg and can’t imagine what less that that would be. I’m now imagining picking it up and the screen just flopping open like a window on a less than windy day.

Can I open it with one hand? - #3 by nrp

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While I think that refunding or replacing every board with 12th gen that fell prey to the RTC bug absurd, the cost of some hinges really shouldn’t break FW, especially if it is done over the course of years. Bad PR can break companies at this scale and while this forum isn’t swamped with stories of shoddy craftmanship/QC, some of the stories are really quite bad. Which just shows that there are factory QC escapes. Besides, FW changing their stance would not be any kind of legal admission. It wouldn’t legally put them on the hook for anything. They’d reap the good PR with minimal cost. This is a (relatively) minor pain point that already has an available solution, this “problem” shouldn’t exist.

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Perhaps a poor choice of words, I meant liable in the non legal sense, meaning it would make customers more likely/encouraged to ask for replacements.

Agreed the financial cost to FW should be minimal especially as you say done over time as problems arise, the cost of negative PR is likely greater. I stopped even talking about the FW laptop to friends and family let alone recommending it and as I’m sure like many here I am “tech support” for my circle.

Yeah my original hinges had the screen fall over each time I picked up the laptop unless I did it a certain way and the screen was open no greater than 90°, replacements are heading that way…

I wonder was nrp referring to the 2.8kg or the 3.8kg end of the spectrum, far too wide a tolerance range… One hand opening has been done without a floppy screen so this is a terrible compromise IMO.

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Yes 100g either side of 3.3Kg would be more acceptable to me, not 500
250g would give 3.05 to 3.55 and on the 4K 3.75 to 4.25.

Of course I’m only repeating was posted :rofl: though not funny

Nope! still really want adjustable, to much fuss swapping hinges that then may not be ideal for the user.

And to bring the old chat to this topic

“and we’ll send you a new Hinge Kit.” they forgot to say " again and again and we will compensate with a free pair of 4Kg on the second instance and a free battery on the third . . . etc.


Exactly tighter tolerances would certainly be beneficial.

Ah yes old ground indeed, this is maybe the third time I repeat myself, I am getting aged! :smile:

Agreed swapping the hinges out while easier than most laptops is still a bit of pain and requires re-routing wifi, microphone and display cables, not something I would want to do with any regularity.

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I don’t think tolerances are the issue here. When I received my replacement hinges they were good. And I have friends who have recently purchased Frameworks and their hinges are good.

I do think I’d be happier with the 4kg hinge over even an in-spec 3.3kg hinge, since I like to move around with my laptop. But I never would have complained if my original hinges stayed in spec.

This seems to be a design flaw which causes the hinges to wear down prematurely.

Time will tell if this is a rare and isolated problem that I was unlucky enough to encounter twice, or if it’s a wider issue that we’ll see more of as Frameworks age.

If Framework truly believed their hinges were well designed, and that my experience is such a huge outlier, it would have been simple for them to send a new hinge, and maintain a happy customer.

The fact that they’re avoiding that indicates to me that they’re expecting more hinge failures and are afraid of setting a precedent.

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I think the benefit of tighter tolerance would at least mean we have a better understanding of the starting point from factory, there has been no word on how we are to measure the actual force for hinges we own just to show support the lid behaviours if we feel there is an issue and they will decide if it is in spec or not.

I agree the design seems destined to fail in the long run and keeping your initial customer base happy seems like a smart move even if the fault wasn’t with the product but the cost to the business was low. That is FW’s business though.

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@Daniel_Power, it sucks that you seem to be getting the short end of the stick. It’s hard for me to believe that the quality control is unacceptable though. Unless there is more posts like this in the future. In my case, I purchased a Batch 1, Gen 1 from the start… Besides a shipping delay I have not had to replace or swap a single component… The OG hinges and lid are still solid even if the monitor is leaning back a bit on my lap (it doesn’t fall). I have done a few upgrades to internal components like memory and speakers but the rest I have kept as original as possible and have been happy.


I just received word from Framework support that they’ll make an exception and send me another replacement 3.3kg hinge kit. They’ll also be sending me a shipping label so I can return my defective hinges to them for review.

While I’m fairly disappointed with the experience so far, I want Framework to succeed, and I want Framework to continue to put pressure on other companies to do better in terms of repairability. So if this third set lasts, I’ll be more than happy to start recommending Framework again.

I’m not really concerned about the 3.3kg vs 4.0kg difference anymore. My friend’s Framework doesn’t have any issues with screen movement on stock hinges. So unless they prematurely wear out again, I’m fine with 3.3kg. I do agree with @Usernames, it feels unnecessary that they wouldn’t offer the 4.0kg as a gesture of good will since the cost to Framework is the same. But all I really want are hinges that will keep the screen in place while stationary and typing.


This seems like a very good move, find out why the hinges have been problematic and hopefully avoid further issues for users in the future.


If you leave it in your bag for a couple of weeks you’ll find it has another flaw.

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@Jason_Dagless are you referring to the battery drain while powered off issue? Because in my experience it takes a whole lot less than a couple of weeks for the battery to drain while sitting idle.

I didn’t include that in my post because it’s not a quality control issue. Though I would love for it to be addressed at some point if possible through a firmware update. It’s quite disappointing pulling my Framework out of my bag and finding it to be dead.