Stuttering on external display

Just did a fresh install of Bazzite 3.5.0 which includes the new Nvidia 555.58 drivers as standard

No output from the eGPU, so I installed and ran all-ways-egpu. After running through their guided setup process, this what I get from all-ways-egpu status:

All-Ways-eGPU Main Menu

  1. Guided Setup
  2. Manual Setup
  3. Disable a GPU (Method 1)
  4. Set boot-vga Flag (Method 2)
  5. Set Compositor Specific Variables (Method 3)
  6. Help
  7. Version
  8. Uninstall all-ways-eGPU
  9. Status
  10. Restart Display Manager
    q. Exit

Enter Choice [0-9]:
Method 1 setup with following Bus IDs
0000:c1:00.0 amdgpu
Method 2, 3 setup with following Bus IDs
0000:64:00.0 nvidia
0000:64:00.0 eGPU currently active as primary with Method 2
Unknown device “/dev/dri/card1”: No such device
Method 1 auto switch at startup service
○ all-ways-egpu.service - Configure eGPU as primary under Wayland desktops
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/all-ways-egpu.service; disabled; preset: disabled)
Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/service.d
Active: inactive (dead)
Method 2 auto switch at startup service
○ all-ways-egpu-boot-vga.service - Configure eGPU as primary using boot_vga under Wayland desktops
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/all-ways-egpu-boot-vga.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/service.d
Active: inactive (dead)

Jul 01 19:31:37 fedora systemd[1]: Starting all-ways-egpu-boot-vga.service - Configure eGPU as primary using boot_vga under>
Jul 01 19:31:37 fedora all-ways-egpu[5888]: Removing bind mounts recorded at /home/catfancier/.config/all-ways-egpu/bind-paths…
Jul 01 19:31:37 fedora all-ways-egpu[5907]: umount: /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:64:00.0/boot_vga: not mounted.
Jul 01 19:31:37 fedora all-ways-egpu[5911]: umount: /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:c1:00.0/boot_vga: not mounted.
Jul 01 19:31:37 fedora all-ways-egpu[5888]: Bind mounts removed successfully. Restart Display Manager for changes to take e>
Jul 01 19:31:37 fedora all-ways-egpu[5927]: /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:64:00.0
Jul 01 19:31:37 fedora all-ways-egpu[5932]: /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:c1:00.0
Jul 01 19:31:37 fedora all-ways-egpu[5888]: Bind mounts set. Restart Display Manager for changes to take effect.
Jul 01 19:31:37 fedora systemd[1]: all-ways-egpu-boot-vga.service: Deactivated successfully.
Jul 01 19:31:37 fedora systemd[1]: Finished all-ways-egpu-boot-vga.service - Configure eGPU as primary using boot_vga under>
lines 1-16/16 (END)

The line:
Unknown device “/dev/dri/card1”: No such device
is a bit worrisome