We want to help foster development of ways to re-use every module in the Framework Laptop. There is already a healthy ecosystem around the Mainboard and an interesting board to interface the Input Kit. Next on the list in terms of value would be the Display Kit.
It is somewhat possible to interface the Display Kit using one of these https://www.aliexpress.us/item/2251832860412151.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.0.0.788f18028HAngg&gatewayAdapt=deu2usa4itemAdapt&_randl_shipto=US as discussed in HDMI controller board for display panel - #18 by nrp. However, a much better board would be something very similar, but:
- Directly using the IPEX 20879-040E connector so that a replacement cable isn’t needed.
- Using a USB-C receptacle instead of a USB-C plug to make it less fragile.
- Using open source firmware to make it easier to add and adjust functionality.
If anyone out there is interested in developing something like this, we’d be happy to provide funding for components and board fabrication along with extra Display Kits for testing as well as provide technical feedback.