What should we build next?

any future plans for other devices?

imagine something like customizable printer, or headphones - add/remove buttons, mic, change size, foldable version…

or keyboard mouse mobile tablet…

Hey Jan, can you please use the search function? Thanks!


Oh alright, sorry I’ll try

I think there are others as well, but there’s a thread not far down from this one with a lot of folks discussing this topic.


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All, and I’ll say it again, ALL of the people that intentionally invented the ways to make things last shorts time, be unrepairable or intentionally wasteful need to be thrown into the 10th circle of hell, made specially for them.

Yup, my bad. Was a bit yawny that day.

Somewhere here I saw examples of companies that wanted to do more things and ended up being terrible at everything, so pleased make sure that doesn’t happen.

When they’re will be awesome working problem-less laptops, I’d be glad to see some repairable tablets, and later even mobiles if possible.

I saw something about printers being oversaturated and sinking ship, but if you guys became popular, I think with good repairable printers you could make a loooot of money (and help humanity) because, well, sinking ship means opportunities.

Framework 16 Wireless Keyboard Mod

I would like a device that would allow me to take off my Framework 16 keyboard and use it as a wireless keyboard. I imagine a device that would magnetically snap onto the keyboard’s pogo pins and provide a simple Bluetooth interface. This way I don’t need a second keyboard when I put my laptop on a stand (for better ergonomics). Even a wired version of this would be nice.


I thiiink I might have said something similar to this on a reply, but I think the most doable thing for framework would be to release ‘kits’ for repurposing standalone components after an upgrade, like the cooler master case for an older mainboard.

-External Display kit:
Provides a controller board and either a case or 3d printer files to DIY, and lets you use an old/spare LCD panel as an external display (with expansion cards for IO, of course)

-Battery Pack Kit
Contains control board(s) for hooking up an old fw13 55wh battery to USB-C PD ports so you can use it as a power bank for your laptop. Framework could even include an option to integrate it with the external display kit so that it’s not relying on the laptop for power

-Webcam Kit
an adapter to hook the webcam module to a usb-c/usb-a port, and 3d printer files to enclose it so that it can be used as a standalone webcam.

-EGPU Adapter for the fw16
Something to allow the PCIE port for the expansion bay to connect to a full-sized pcie slot, so madmen can try to hook a desktop 4090 to their fw16.

Keypad kits
-lets folks take the keyboard or numpad for the fw 16 and connect it externally via usb or bluetooth.

Stuff like that.


All I see here is an opportunity for a wireless charging dock with the benefit of better airflow

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