Assuming you want to provide power to the mainboard through this connector
Unfortunately not.
This connector expects the normal battery voltage, which is not fixed, but varies with charge.
The battery voltage is 17.6V according to the schematic.
I guess you could use a PD trigger board and supply 17.6V and 3.5A for at least 60W of power. In theory that could work, then you provide power directly to the internal charger circuit of the mainboard, which should provide power to the internal voltage supplies.
However, apart from the battery (power) wires, the battery connector also features 4 signals, see the battery drawing.
2 of these I think are just (boolean) signals. The other 2 I think are for the System Management Bus.
How these should be connected to make it work? No clue.
Will it work without these? Also no clue. But I would not bet on it without more documentation. It could also lead to unexpected side effects if you don’t connect them.
Personally, I’d just use 1 of the available USB-C inputs.
Assuming you want to provide power to an extra USB-C port through this connector
Please don’t.
This will possibly connect 17.6V directly to the USB-C port. It will either simply not work or break thinks.