Some thought about Dave2D video about Framework (16) performance vs price

My current laptop costed me €200. It’s a refurbished Elitebook, and besides gaming, is there absolutely no reason for me to upgrade.

If I do, I could upgrade to some other refurbished 10th gen Intel for like €400.
No matter how you twist and turn this, a Framework will always be more expansive for me, and not even more resourceful, because a used device is always less stress for the environment.

Could be. Framework surely did something new on this, and as a software developer myself, can I see how this is more effort. Although I fail to see, how this is effort that costs a lot of money, and maybe that’s just me.

To say they are profiteering is saying they are working under capitalism.
Obviously they are profiteering, I don’t know how this is disingenuous.

Super, you can change the keyboard, and there is no alternative available.
Smaller companies, like Slimbook and NovaCustom, allow you completely customized keyboard layouts. Nothing like that here. No alternative layout, and no custom fonts, icons, or anything.

Nada. And obviously no full sized arrows. As said, that’s just a no no for me, when I pay €2000 for a laptop. And I have met countless people, alone here on the forum, who say the same.

Particularly since they already had at least full sized left and right, does this look like a hit in the face, and a significant step back.

It is outdated at release.

Did you look into the forum? People are screaming for Coreboot since years.
Its an absolutely critical part for a lot of people, and that for very technical reasons.

Here: Does framework plan to move to CoreBoot or like open source Bios?
And here: Coreboot on Framework Laptop 16?
And here: [RESPONDED] Coreboot on the Framework Laptop
And here: Do I get a choice of an american megatrends or coreboot UEFI
Oh, and here: Coreboot and Intel ME
And one more: Intel Boot Guard & Coreboot

And nothing to say about the fact, that they have already released a Coreboot Laptop, in the form of the Chromebook, that just comes with its own drawbacks.

They can. System76 has done the work for them. They don’t want to do it.

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