We should distinguish between talking about FW13 mods and FW16 mods here. I agree it looks like a simple spacer will be enough for the FW16. For the FW13 the geometry is a little more complicated: on the display side the hinge sits behind the screen, so you can’t just add a simple spacer “underneath” without pushing out the screen as well. And on the FW13 the “mainboard side” of the hinge lies parallel to the top surface, so you likely can’t add a shim there without making room above it somehow. Given that 3d printing costs are roughly proportional to volume, not complexity, it’s actually cheaper to replace a “small but complicated” piece like the hinge than a “large but simple” piece like the top surface. On the other hand, there’s a spring somewhere in the FW13 hinge (I can’t quite see where), and that could complicate replacing “just a piece of it”. YMMV though, especially if you’re inclined toward hand-crafting pieces rather than 3d printing; I’m just throwing out ideas for discussion at this point. I don’t have a FW13 (I’m in club FW16) so I don’t have a particular dog in that race.