[TRACKING] Fun weekend project: Testing a new NVIDIA eGPU Switcher

Well folks, we have a winner. My simple script works really well, handles all the guesswork and heavy lifting. :slight_smile: The first Framework NVIDIA eGPU Switcher tool is nearly ready.

It’s working!

When ready, this is tested on Ubuntu 22.04.1. Designed this to work on anything using apt, can also be configured for other packaging environments as well.

Installer script handles it all. Shortcuts, GPU detection, etc, all you do is use it.


  • So when you hit the icon, you are asked to press 1 or 2.

  • I pressed 2, NVIDIA.

  • Then I am automatically prompted to logout.

  • Logging back in (Wayland or Xorg, doesn’t matter). The tool pings nvidia-smi

  • If Nvidia is active, it tells me NVIDIA. If not, I get Intel.

So this is super bloaty, right? Nope.

  • The whole thing is free of systemd or python or Go. Only expects libnotify, nvidia-prime, figlet, nvidia-driver-525-open, nvidia-prime and nvidia-settings. All super basic stuff.

  • The installer tool handles (Ubuntu) the installation of everything needed. You configure nothing.

  • All you need to do is access the tool from Activities.

  • Or add it to your favorites from Activities for easier access.

Switching back to Intel.

Log out as prompted.

Then upon logging back in, rock solid CONFIRMATION that I am using Intel by not assuming, but actually checking to make sure.

then I can see it. I did it this way as I care less about being notified.

This can be adjusted for NVIDIA or Intel with changes to notify-send --urgency=critical or notify-send --urgency=normal or notify-send --urgency=low. It’s just a script, easy to edit and customize.