[TRACKING] Linux battery life tuning

[quote=“D.H, post:79, topic:6665”]
I would prefer to see more longevity playing video though. VLC playing 1080p h.264 from a samba share, YouTube 720p, playing a local 1080p copy of Sintel, etc all bring the estimated battery life under 4 hours. That’s a little odd to me after having run 5Y70 and 6Y30 class processors that get 5-7 hours of local or streamed video playback time from even smaller batteries…

Catching up on this thread, hence this super late reply – just a note, I noticed when testing during this that mpv used considerably less power than VLC (~-2W iirc). Both using hardware decoding / VA-API (which uses significantly less power). That was a while ago, so VLC might’ve gotten more efficient, but

From those findings, 5-7 hours is definitely achievable for 720/1080P video playback. In fact, it should be closer to 8 hours provided no other process is consuming much power.

I…spent a while trying to see if the specific USB ports could be disabled or power cut in Linux a while back so I could keep the HDMI Expansion card plugged in. Unfortunately I couldn’t get it to work :confused: If anyone has any specific things for me to try, please lmk, though I’ve tried a fair number of options already.

I read this today though, pretty insightful (if correct):