120 Hz Screen for 13?

Is it possible for us to have a matte 120 Hz refreshing rate screen? Many people are using phones that has a 120 refreshing rate, and it is a little hard to go back to 60 Hz even when staring at a laptop screen!

Does Framework has a plan to develop this? Is it possible for us to swap the screen on our own if they do not provide this option?



Panel has to exist first. Framework doesn’t have the scale to request panel makers create a panel just for them. Entire thread dedicated to finding alternate panels and there really aren’t many if any available.


Check the forum for similar :slight_smile: and if you have anything to add do it there and maybe delete this topic. Many Ideas are spread all over the place and it’s time consuming finding the same ideas by checking so many post . . . there are more but see below … a simple search would show . . .

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