12th Gen Intel Core BIOS 3.08 Release

Hey Bitals, can you please contact the support team to report this issue? Thank you!

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I tried this twice. The first time on battery it rebooted into an updating screen that quickly went away. The second time I tried with power applied to the left rear port and then it seems to have worked.

InsydeH20: HFW30.03.08
GOP: 21.0.1061
EC: hx30_v0.0.1-4ea1c89
PD 1: 0.1.2C
PD 2: 0.1.2C

Hello, I have Ubuntu on the internal disk, and a Windows 11 made with Rufus that I use twice a year on a 250gb expansion card.

I follow this topic from time to time only… So, apparently regular installation guide for Windows, as indicated on the KB page would just work with such setup?


Update report from me. I’d run the original 3.08 EFI and everything other than the IME and the right side retimers had worked. Manually updated the IME some time ago.

Ran the 3.08d EFI updater which verified everything other than the right retimer was up to date. Manually updated the retimers with updateretimers.nsh and now seems to be up to date.

Something I think would help is to keep the original post in this thread more up to date as it’s currently pointing to the broken 3.08b EFI update not the safer 3.08d version.

It might also be worth checking any Framework bits on LVFS: Device List - are these safe or will they cause more potential problems for people? This was actually intermittently reporting Retimers updates as being available last week, possibly due one side not being up to date for me. I’m currently seeing update alerts on there for the fingerprint sensor.

I can’t help wondering if elements of this community alpha testing might have worked better using a repo under Framework · GitHub ? Especially keeping track of and deprecating older releases and tracking issues arising. Given the technical proficiency of the audience here you may even have had some PRs to try and help.

It’s good to see much more communication in here from Framework. Movement on this is much appreciated. Hopefully getting to a stable EFI release will allow for a smoother ride for future updates.


Thanks for the feedback everyone!
I have edited the top post to update the instructions and link for the EFI updater to the latest version, and based on the positive community feedback, marked this as beta.


I ran the script and left the computer running, when I came back a few min later it rebooted back to OS. I don’t know if there was any error during install process, but the BIOS still reports the old version 3.04 :thinking:
I tried running the update again, but get the error message, can’t update over same version and then get a green screen that the update was successful.

When instructions say shut down all power sources, does that mean including the battery?

The only error message you are getting is from the ME Updater. Of the updates the script is trying to do on your device, it is the only one that executes instantly. While the main BIOS will be updated after a reboot. So your ME firmware will already be up-to-date from the first attempt, as it says. But that is very separate from the other parts of the update process.
And the next message shows that the updater proceeds and reaches the step where it tries to setup the capsule update including reboot (updating the main BIOS from 3.04 to 3.08). So your issue is somewhere around that part. And the red message shown has nothing to do with it.

Your issue will most likely be about your partitions / EFI System partition etc.

Huh? I don’t understand. I have already rebooted my system multiple times and just boots back into the OS.

Because that part of the update does not work for you. It is supposed to set it up so that it continues with a fullscreen progress bar after the reboot. And sth. goes wrong with that, so you just land in your normal OS after the reboot.

But the failure message you have shown is not related to that. It is from another part of the update that already went fine and is to be expected.

Yes, I mentioned that this are the messages I see when I retry the update. How do I continue the update process then?

How much free space is left on your EFI partition?

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I do not know.
I just pointed out, that the message you focused on has nothing to do with your problem. If there are other messages after the waiting message (the last line in your photo) those would probably point to a narrower reason.
Otherwise someone else needs to walk you through providing enough info so that Framework can find and solve the issue.

% df -h | grep boot
/dev/nvme0n1p1  511M  194M  318M  38% /boot

I didn’t really notice any other error messages after that :slightly_frowning_face:

That should be enough to decompress the cap archives.

Are you using the “d” version of the 3.08 EFI update? I wonder because that one doesn’t automatically run the retimer updates I can see in your screenshot.

Yes, it’s the one I downloaded from this thread

Ah, I might have an idea. Can you try the update with AC power plugged in? The startup.nsh should then start with the actual BIOS update and not with the Retimer updates it can’t actually run…

Edit: Pre-:coffee: I mixed up standalone mode (no battery) with no AC power. Sorry.

If you look at the script, Framework only removed executing the ReTimer updates. But they left the checks for out-of-date ReTimer firmware still in. And that is what you are seeing.

Yes, you’re right. I should always get :coffee: before looking at scripts.

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Seems to be the same I did get some additional error logs I didn’t notice before

Weird though, I do have an EFI file system

% sudo fdisk -l
[sudo] password for alko: 
Disk /dev/nvme0n1: 465.76 GiB, 500107862016 bytes, 976773168 sectors
Disk model: WDS500G1X0E-00AFY0                      
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: gpt
Disk identifier: F0303898-8228-7E44-A172-D3D886B9860E

Device             Start       End   Sectors   Size Type
/dev/nvme0n1p1      2048   1050623   1048576   512M EFI System
/dev/nvme0n1p2   1050624 959995903 958945280 457.3G Linux filesystem
/dev/nvme0n1p3 959995904 976773119  16777216     8G Linux swap