2.8k screen detailed specifications

Are there more detailed specifications for the 2.8k display available? I think the blog post mentions an increase to a max brightness of 500 nits, which is nice. However, I find my more frequent complaint with my Framework 13 (one of the earlier 11th gen units) is with the minimum brightness, backlight stepping, and how readable it is when set low. For all my complaints that panel quality is a common fault of ye olde ThinkPad units, I find my aging ThinkPad far more comfortable when working through the night.

So, specifics I’d be curious to see:

  • Nits at minimum setting vs max
  • How many steps are available to the backlight controls
  • Contrast at lowest backlight? Not sure if this is actually the right specification to look at. My question is to the usability of the minimum brightness specification, and I’m not exactly sure what makes some LCDs decent while others are miserable.