Anyone with 96Gb RAM?)
Would you mind to post a review + screenshot?)
I’m on 64, but I’m thinking on switching to 96 now
Anyone with 96Gb RAM?)
Would you mind to post a review + screenshot?)
I’m on 64, but I’m thinking on switching to 96 now
64 → 96 is not a big change. Unless you’re running out of ram, and running out by a small and consistently repeatable amount, I wouldn’t consider it worth it. In my experience, when you run out of ram you really run out and would be looking for the full 2x to be comfortable again.
It’s an increase by more than what 90+% of laptops out there have or 50% so small increase may be a bit much.
What I mean is, in my experience the types of workloads that can utilize more than 64Gb of ram will have no problem also utilizing more than 96 as well.
Depends, being able to run an additional vm or two (or being less bogged down with the current ones) may already be worth it, highly workload dependent.
I haven’t yet ever run out of RAM yet, but have been sitting around 50 Gigs occupied, so thinking that it may be a nice idea to upgrade and have more free space. As a software developer and computer enthusiast I run a lot of stuff at once frequently, so it’s nice-to-have more RAM.
In terms of more than 96, I have never seen any larger SODIMM DDR5 modules in the wild and I have even more doubt that a laptop, designed to handle 64 gigs at max will be alright handling over 96
I don’t really see why not, the current limitation is the availability of denser ram. In the ddr4 era we were limited to 16GB sticks too for quite a while jet 32GB ones work just fine in all the ddr4 laptops I have.
It’s probably going to be a while till we see >48Gb sticks, especially ones that don’t cost an arm and a leg though.
The AMD processors are designed to use up to 256GB, just no-one makes anything larger than the 48GB modules currently available, so you are limited to 96GB.
All I’m saying is that if I were in a similar situation, I would wait until 128GB kits became available and make do with 64GB + swap until then. OP’s question seems to be focused on the cas latency and they don’t necessarily know that they need the extra capacity.
If you already have the 64 and are mostly ok with the waiting is pretty overwhelmingly the better option. If you are not ok with the 64GB right now or don’t have anything jet there are arguments to go with 96.
Agreed, if you haven’t bought the system yet and know for a fact that 64GB will not be enough, you may be better suited to get the most capacity available regardless of the cas latency.
Well, sounds reasonable and that’s exactly what I’ve meant to say in my message